We are well into the new year and I have gotten off to a slow start. I intend to make up for it though…
“You don’t HAVE to, You GET to!
That’s right, I get to!
I “GET” to make the most of whatever life brings my way!
I have put a lot of thought into what I want to focus on in 2013.
There are 4 key things that I need to concentrate my efforts on.
In no particular order
{because they are all very important}
They are:
my spirituality
I intend to focus on each area by sharing some things that will help myself and hopefully inspire others also.
Last year I chose a Motto and a Mission that I wanted to use in my everyday life to help me accomplish and achieve what makes me “happi”. I have shared that motto on this website with every post I have shared.
Yes, I am talking about
I know taking on this motto really improved my year. So I am going to continue to
With the right attitude you can enjoy what you might not otherwise. My father passed away 20 years ago. He always had a positive thought or saying for every situation that continue to stay with me. One in particular has always stuck with me and has affected my attitude on numerous occasions…
Whenever he heard someone say, “I have to… “ He would respond with…
“You don’t HAVE to, you GET to”.

You GET to!!
So so true. Changing the “HAVE” to “GET” can put a whole new perspective on a situation that may or may not be so pleasant!
Thanks Dad, for always reminding me to stay positive!!!
Welcome 2013
Bring it!!!

{One word. Enjoy! }
While keeping up with my 2012 word “Enjoy”.
I have chosen a new word for 2013.
I left some clues in this post…
The rest of the story will come out tomorrow!
[…] the beginning of the year I shared a memory of my father who passed away 20 years ago. He always had so many thoughts, quotes and sayings that […]