Welcome to inkhappi! {a happy place}
Let inkhappi put the {i} in happy for you with one of many free printables shared on a regular basis. You will find several quotes and inspirational prints, holiday ideas and printables, gift ideas, recipes, home decor ideas and so much more!
All about {ME} & {inkhappi}
…the long version…
“Enjoy life and share that JOY with others!” That’s my motto and inkhappi is my way of sharing this with the world. I love to be inspired and, in turn, I would love to inspire others through inkhappi. If you want to put a smile on someone’s face or add a little fun or flair to life I’m all about that!
Hi! I’m Jillene, and I’m pursuing my dreams with my husband by my side. I believe that life is to be enjoyed. I am positive, enthusiastic, and happy. I love to make others happy as well. I hope to be able to put my talents to good use in order to inspire, encourage, and help others. I love to be creative and I am ready to [C R E A T E] !
Kirt, whom I refer to as my BFhubby because he is not only my best friend, but also my boyfriend and husband, supports me in all I do. I definitely lucked out in the husband department. This man is so good to me; sometimes I think I am a “princess wife”. He has worked in the cabinet business most of his life and we currently own a custom cabinet shop called Superstition Cabinets. As a carpenter in the cabinet business, he can do anything with a piece of wood and is an overall handyman… MY handyman. Yay!

Me & My BFHubby 🙂
I thrive on creativity!! Over the years, I have developed an immense interest and education in graphic design. I have created a bajillion (ok, an exaggeration) invitations, posters, prints, etc. I’ve made many mistakes along the way but through it all I have learned and grown immensely. I can be a bit indecisive at times and I don’t like steps. I just want to skip to the end and see the results! (Reminder: patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue). I am working on that and I do plan on taking this step by step and see where it takes me! I do like my projects quick and easy and share ideas accordingly. I love to help others by adding my special touch, whether it is graphic design, a home décor project, a wedding, shower, party, or other event.
So now Kirt and I are empty nesters and with many past experiences behind me I am now pursuing my next big adventure:
What puts the {i} in happi for me…
MY BFhubby 🙂
Britney, Jesse, & lil Ry guy & Princess Roxy
Adventures with my grandchildren
Exclamation points! && Ampersands!
Receiving my monthly BEAUTY BOXES!
Being a grandma, a mother, an aunt, a sister, a friend, a wife
Crushed ice
Favorite designers such as Kate Spade, Mary Engelbreit & Betsey Johnson
Weekends at “the cottage” with my BFhubby
GIRLFRIENDS…. GNO, lunches, sisters, shopping
CAKE… in any form… MmmmMmm
Seeing OTHERS happi 🙂
Here’s to creating things that will make both others and myself HAPPY! Inkhappi puts the {i} in happi giving you the chance to create happ{i}ness with whatever inspires you!
Feel free to browse around. Comment, or email me: [email protected].
Thanks for stopping by!
You grandson has gorgeous blue eyes! I recently became a Gee Gee and love it !
Thank you Carmen! He has had those since the day he was born. 🙂
Love your calendars but the new July calendar is not correct. July 1 is Saturday not on Friday.
Thank You,
Thanks Yvette! I sent you the corrected copy. 🙂
I discovered you, Jillene, via searching calendars; and, your smile is so friendly and infectious! You DEFINE happy. I am tickled to find inkhappi (which I just noticed rhymes with think happy). I will be visiting your site and telling others. Thank you for BEING YOU! ♥ Dr. Angi
Awww thanks so much Dr. Angi for your kind words. I love comments like this and when people get what my website is really about. Enjoy! xoxo
Good morning and Happy Friday! I wanted to check and see when the August calendar would be available?
Thank you!
Hi Kristen! I’ve been MIA this last month but the August Calendar just got posted. Yay!
Good afternoon and Happy Hump Day! I wanted to check and see when the February calendar would be available?
Thank you!
Hi Kristen! It’s up now! https://inkhappi.com/february-2019-calendar/
My office absolutely loves your calendars but you may want to double check the November calendar.. There’s a “188” day
Does your font come in pes and bx files
Hi there, I am trying to download your first day of school signs but the pictures keep going down over the download section, so I can’t access them. Can you please email them to me? Thank you in advance! They are just what I was looking for.
Hello Jillene,
We love your monthly calendars, we use them here are work every month and have been for about 5-6 years now if I am not wrong.
We are wondering how you are doing and why you haven’t posted December 2022 yet? please let us know you are ok and we will patiently and anxiously wait for this months calendar. sending love from California 🙂
Hi Jillene. Just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing. I’ve been keeping you in my prayers. Hoping you feel better soon. Take care. ♥♥
Thank you Tanya. I”m doing so much better! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness!