And…. It’s the April 2025 Calendar!
And… The word of the month is Simplify!
Welcome to the April 2025 calendar and the word of the month is Simplify! It’s hard to believe the 5th month of 2025 is upon us. I’ve been thinking a lot about what message I want to focus on in April. Along with some spring cleaning and the thought of summer coming up, I came up with my next challenge. The word of the month is:
This is actually a challenge I’ve been working on for awhile now. Having chronic illnesses has forced me to simplify my life. My life has not always been that way though. I think I was born to do things “over the top” and think that was cool. The “old” me loved to let my inner Martha Stewart help me throw lavish parties, decorate my home to the 9’s, and gifts were almost more about the packaging than the actual gift!
I have learned that the simple things in life are:
How simple is that? Just pure simple love. Loving ourselves and treating those around us (our neighbors) with love. It doesn’t have to come with fancy packaging or over the top gestures. We need to be careful not to think that more needs to be added to make things great. Then opening up your mind to enjoy everyday moments. Living in the moment, Taking time to smell the flowers. Enjoying the simple things!
The most joy comes from the simple things of life.
Let’s not complicate things with additional work, packaging, expectations, requirements, projects etc. Keep it simple. It is in that simplicity we can find the peace, joy, and happiness.
Another thing I’ve been doing to keep it simple is clear my life of clutter and unnecessary items in my home. I’ve loved filling up boxes of good items and giving it to charity. Furthermore, I’m finding it adds to a much more peaceful life.
I’ve even learned that you can throw a nice party and still keep it pretty simple! I’ve also have learned that a simple gift can mean more than a complicated one.
As a result, we will find more time, more love, more kindness and the simple things in life are really the BIG THINGS!
Here’s the downloads for the April 2025 Calendar:
Pick up your motivational print ——>> JPG
Pick up your May 2019 Calendar ——>> JPG or PDF
Have an awesome month filled with all the simple pleasures!
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