Because of Him
Because of Him I wanted to share some Easter thoughts of a spiritual nature. I have taken some time to focus a bit more on Jesus with Easter just a few days away. I love all the fun and whimsical things that are a part of Easter but I also love the spirit of the real meaning of Easter.
Life is busy. Sometimes we need to slow down and focus on whats really important. I took an opportunity this last weekend to do just that. April has been a really busy month for me. I also do so much work on my computer and with blogging, I spend much time on social media outlets. I have had some deadlines and some high pressure things I was dealing with when the weekend came. My Friday evening was spent at a dinner reception in which I was able to enjoy many friends and family members. Saturday morning I went to the beautiful wedding of my nephew. They are having their wedding reception in a few weeks so I was then free for the day. I was really looking forward to tackling some things on my to-do list and having a productive work day. It so happened that my sister wanted to go to lunch and my daughter wanted to join us so I of course obliged! After all, my motto is…
Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.
Right? After lunch we decided to ——–>> SHOP! {hahah} Yep. Forget about work! On my way home I was thinking even though evening is upon me, I will still attempt that t0-do list… when my bffhubby called me saying he was home and ready to go out on a date. Really? Ok, why not! I didn’t even go in the house. He met me at the car and off we went! After all…
Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.
The point is, I did enjoy myself! I cherished special moments with family. Not once on Friday or Saturday did I touch my computer {a record for me}. I didn’t get on any of my social media. I avoided inkhappi’s mailbox {sorry to a few people who had to wait an extra day for a response}. The TV never went on. My work was still waiting for me as well as a bit of a messy house. I do admire the people who do this on a regular basis. It’s not the first time I’ve taken days like this, but too many times I let the less important things in life get in the way. Somehow this weekend felt different. I had the best day. I kept thinking that, “This is THE BEST DAY”! I loved that I let so much go and focused on those I love. Oh how I love my family! I love life!
Sunday came and I felt overwhelming gratitude and many wonderful thoughts and feelings. A strong bond of Love. I felt a greater appreciation for life. I am so grateful for family, for my faith, and so much beauty that is there for each one of us if we just take the time to recognize it. I am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who knows me, loves me, and is mindful of my needs. I am grateful for a Savior! Jesus Christ was persecuted and died for my sins. He set such a great example for me. A way in which I can live my life and be with my family forever. Jesus is the Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer. Because of Him, death is not the end, and life takes on new meaning. We can change, we can start over—and we can live again with God. This is what my my faith stems from. And because of Him in a single act which changed history, we have EASTER.
I enjoyed reading some scriptural references and I visited the website Because of Him. I read and watched a short video clip about the meaning of easter. here is an excerpt from what I read.
God sent Jesus to earth to teach us a better way to live. Though His ministry lasted only three years, His teachings have influenced billions for nearly two millennia. But the greatest gift Jesus gave to us was His life. He paid the price for our sins, died on the cross, and rose from the dead—providing a way for each one of us to return and live with God someday.
You can read more if you would like by going to Because of Him HERE.
Thank you for letting me share some of these feelings today! There is so much more but I am not writing a novel. 😉 Just some special thoughts I wanted to put into a post. Each of us have our own needs and feelings about Easter. I ‘d also like to share some prints to go along with My Easter thoughts today. Many people are following the hashtag #becauseofhim and sharing their personal experiences because of Him. I wanted to share some simple prints to go along with that idea.
Because of Him / Easter Prints
For download: Click on the images below to see them in a new window. Right click and SAVE to your computer to print or share on your computer.

Because of Him

Because of Him
Have a super week! I am looking forward to a family date friday night, an Easter brunch and egg hunt with extended family and my darling grandson on Saturday, and church services and yummy family meal on Sunday. What are your plans? May I suggest… Spend some special time with loved ones. Enjoy the fun that Easter can bring and also take some time to reflect on what Easter means to you! :):)
I love that you share your personal thoughts. Very nice prints! Have a wonderful Easter Jillene. 🙂
Great post, and I love hearing your insight on Easter. I am glad you spent some time enjoying yourself! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks McKenzie for stopping by and for your kind words!