Today I'm sharing some love prints and notecards that I made up for myself recently. They all have that one important 4 letter word on them. Because I feel that love should be felt and expressed, I hope you can enjoy them too! They are great for that last minute Valentine tag or card, but more … [Read more...]
March 2015 Calendar and Print
I can't believe I am already posting the March 2015 calendar! Seriously, where has the last few weeks gone? Honestly you guys, I am still almost a month behind in my life and trying to catch up. That move and a few other things kicked my booty recently but good news! ------->> I am seeing the … [Read more...]
Water Intake and Exercise Tips plus a Tracking Chart!
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and DripDrop®, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #DrinkDripDrop #DripDropHydrates I often say, "enjoying life is essential to being happi". Well, I also … [Read more...]
Ampersand Fonts & Prints… Oh, the Joy!!
I have a confession to make! &&&& Along with my crazy addiction to fonts, I also have a great love for... the AMPERSAND! I am back with another font post today. Yes, I am still a font addict but I got a little burnt out on my font posts and took a little break. I plan to … [Read more...]
February 2015 Calendar with a focus on 3 special words!
It's here! February 2015 Calendar! Oh my gosh! I really did space this somehow and I'm sorry it's late, but I am getting the February 2015 Calendar out now. I can't believe we are already almost a month into the new year. 1/12th of the year gone, behind us. Just like that. I hope ya'all have … [Read more...]
Football Cheese Ball and a Cool DIY Tray to Serve it on!
Do you want to be a hit at the party? Wether it's your own, you're going to one or even for a tailgate party, this football cheese ball and diy grass serving tray will make everyone smile! In fact I will make you smile now.... See the football cheese ball on the field and the … [Read more...]
New Years 2015… Wishing you a fabulous Year!
Yep! Its December 31, 2014. You know what that means! Time to celebrate another year behind us, and look forward to making this a sizegen FABULOUS New Years! So here are some prints to ring in the new year and plan for a successful 2015! The first print is a remake of last … [Read more...]
Oh Holy Night …Christmas activity, and a free printable!
Jesus is the Reason for the Season. A Christmas activity and printable adapted from the Christmas carol "Oh Holy Night". This is what I refer to as my spiritual Christmas post and my way of sharing what Christmas means to me. Since I have been blogging in the last couple of years I always … [Read more...]
2015 Annual Calendar… Make it Count!
2015 Don't Count the days... Make the Days Count! It's almost here. Another new year! Here is the 2015 Annual Calendar from inkhappi. I have thought a lot about the new year and I'm looking forward to it. One thing I really plan to do is to... "MAKE THE DAYS COUNT" You … [Read more...]
January 2015 Calendar… A new year!
Here it is! The first calendar of 2015! So I am sharing the January 2015 Calendar today. I know many of us approach the new year in different ways. In a way it is looked at as a fresh start to improve upon our past and work towards being our best selves. Something I have learned in life … [Read more...]