...... April is national AUTISM AWARENESS month ...... ......April 2nd is Autism Awareness day...... Today {4/2/14} I am "happi" to be able to promote a good cause: Autism Awareness Month! On April 2, 2013 I did a post on Autism Awareness Month. {see it here} And I probably will do it again a … [Read more...]
Easter Printables… Hello April, Spring, and Hello Easter!
Just say Hello! To Spring and to todays post: Easter Printables! Are you ready for April? Are you ready for some Easter fun?!! Are you ready for some Easter Printables? I thought I'd share some fun Easter printables to either use for decor or for gifting to … [Read more...]
Free Font Downloads…Sharing my favorite “K” fonts!
Here we go again! I love sharing some awesome free font downloads and making it easy for you to add the ones you'd like. I'm sharing March's batch of free font downloads and we are to now to letter.... K! The majority of my favorite K free font downloads come from 3 designers... K22= … [Read more...]
April Calendar and Spring print is Here!
Before I get to the free April calendar, I'd like to extend an invitation to follow inkhappi on social media. You will be the first to know when my freebies are available and maybe pick up on some inspiration when you need it most ;) If you haven't followed inkhappi yet, here are the … [Read more...]
Happiness is a choice… So why not be happy?!
3.20.2014 Guess what today is? Do you know? Well, I do, and inkhappi is very "happi" about it! It's International Day of Happiness! Why would we need to set aside a day for this? Well, many wont even be aware or acknowledge this day. I couldn't let it pass by without taking an opportunity … [Read more...]
St Patricks Day printables and treats to share with others!
"You're the pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow". That's what these cute St Patricks Day printables and treat ideas are saying! Surprise your co-workers or family with this to add some fun to their day. :) I can't believe march is almost half over! That means that St Patricks Day is … [Read more...]
Cash Giveaway… Spring into Cash Giveaway!
Spring into Cash Giveaway! Welcome to the Spring Into Cash Sweepstakes! With Spring on our heels we are sharing an opportunity to enter a cash giveaway. :) I absolutely love spring, and Spring is definitely in the air! In Arizona, March and April bring beautiful weather and being outdoors is … [Read more...]
Acceptance: Current Word Obsession
Current WORD obsession ACCEPTANCE Download HERE-------->> JPEG or PDF I have always had a thing for "WORDS". Sometimes a word comes in my mind and I think it to death. Thus, a new post is introduced! Acceptance is an important part of creating happiness. It's hard to accept things that … [Read more...]
Free Font Downloads …Sharing my favorite “J” Fonts!
Yay! Its another font sharing day! I am excited to bring you more free font downloads today. Its been awhile since I have shared my favorite alphabet free font downloads. We are to "J" fonts, and here they are! Its always hard sharing only a small selection of what I have. There are … [Read more...]
March 2014 Calendar and Quote is Here!
January....February...MARCH! Wow, February is over halfway over meaning its time for a new calendar from inkhappi. March 2014 Calendar is now here! In Arizona it feels like winter is gone and we can look forward to spring. If thats not the case where you live, just pretend spring is coming … [Read more...]