5.12.13 Happy Mothers Day to all women out there!! Whether you have your own children or not, I believe that all women have been given a divine role to act as mothers in some form if they so desire. So come on ladies, lets embrace this gift we have! :) Although Mothers Day is celebrated … [Read more...]
For the Love of “Quotes” { Motherhood Quotes }
You know I love quotes... so here are some favorites I compiled about {MOTHERHOOD} ...... Motherhood Quotes ...... I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. ~Abraham Lincoln All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. … [Read more...]
Yes… its here! {Your May 2013 Calendar}
While I am still livin' it up for my big "50"... I took some time out to create our 2013 May calendar. I know I am gonna have to face the fact that may is almost here and soon I will be back to work in full swing! Here are the "happi thoughts" I chose for the May … [Read more...]
Happy Birthday to ME! {with free Birthday Poster}
Yep! You got it! TODAY is MY Birthday! It's not just ANY birthday... wait for it.... ............................ It's my 50th Birthday! You only turn 50 once so I decided to live it up this week. ...AND next week too! Really. Soooo, anyone who knows me very well knows … [Read more...]
Please Be Kind… for Kindness Matters {Prints}
Please be kind for kindness matters! That is the message for today. Simply put. Be kind. I found the most amazing site called "The Random Acts of Kindness foundation" Check them out HERE They have KINDNESS IDEAS QUOTES STORIES LINKS GRAPHICS EDUCATION LESSON PLANS & … [Read more...]
Please Be Kind, for Kindness Matters! {Quotes}
I have been wanting to do a post with printables on kindness for some time now. Well, guess what? TODAY, is the day!! I am starting with some kindness quotes today, and I will share some really {CUTE} kindness printables tomorrow. Yay! I stated in an earlier post how recently I had been … [Read more...]
Our hearts go out to Boston… What WE the PEOPLE can do for our Country!
In the wake of this tragedy in Boston on 4/15/13, it laves me wondering... How could someone? Why? Why? WHY? What is in store for our future? ...and so on [ I heard someone on TV talking to a reporter saying, "Well, there isn't anything we can do, so life goes on and we hope … [Read more...]
Uplifted and Inspired! Free prints from General Conference. :)
This past weekend, I was truly {uplifted and inspired} as I was able to watch the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. No matter what your religeon, if you are a christian and believe in Christ, the words spoken are so uplifting. Its always nice to be … [Read more...]
Sharing something wonderful for Autism Awareness!
...... AUTISM AWARENESS ...... Today I am "happi" to be able to promote a good cause!! These prints are 5x7 and can be safely downloaded here: {CLICK HERE FOR "APRIL AWARENESS" PRINT} {CLICK HERE FOR "AUTISM SPEAKS" PRINT} {CLICK HERE FOR "GO BLUE" PRINT} {CLICK HERE FOR "LIGHT IT UP" … [Read more...]
It’s Your April 2013 Calendar!
It's a good day to have a good day! I can't believe it is already April. I thought it would be fun to share this infographic on April Fools Day. It was taken in 2011 by surveying 400 fools. Hahah! Were you one of the ones playing a joke on this day?!! Ok now … [Read more...]