Yeah! It's the 2017 Annual Calendar It's almost here. Another new year! Here is the 2017 Annual Calendar from inkhappi. I have thought a lot about the new year and I'm looking forward to it. One thing I really plan to do is to... Make this year the... BEST. YEAR. EVER. Yep! I tend to say … [Read more...]
What Christmas Means to Me …My Story
"What Christmas Means to Me" "My Story" Sixteen years ago this month, my sister passed away from a battle with breast cancer. without going into any of the heart breaking details, I will just say it was a tough holiday season. I put a tree up with lights on it that year, but didn't … [Read more...]
January 2017 Calendar and Print… Enjoy the Little Things!
Hello December... and HELLO January 2017 calendar! It's here. Yep. 2017 is upon us and I have the January 2017 calendar here to help start off the year right! So here we go! A word that comes to mind when bringing in the new year is OPPORTUNITY... “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. … [Read more...]
Light the World… 25 ways in 25 days. Tons of free Printables!
LIGHT the WORLD UPDATE: This is the 2016 version. For the 2017 version go here------>> 2017 LIGHT the WORLD I'm sharing a free printable calendar to plan out what you'd like to do to participate in this wonderful opportunity to help Light the world! Since a new star first appeared … [Read more...]
Halloween Prints to add some fun to your Halloween decor!
Yes, it's begun… the countdown to Halloween! How about some Halloween Prints?!! I asked inkhappi's Facebook followers if, and when they put up Halloween decor. Most who responded gave me a very enthusiastic YES! Some even begin putting Halloween decor up early in September. Some said they’d like … [Read more...]
November 2016 Calendar and Print
Yay! The November 2016 Calendar is here. I love November. The weather is so nice in Arizona. It actually can still be a little bit warm on November days but the evenings are cool and beautiful. Time to break out the warm drinks, s'mores and fun times around the fire! This November, I will celebrate … [Read more...]
Encouraging Thoughts to Motivate and Inspire!
I love sharing encouraging thoughts because they give me something to focus on. They also help to motivate me to become a better person. My monthly calendars tend to be some of my most popular posts. With each calendar I share an encouraging thought and a printable to go along with the calendar. … [Read more...]
Thinking of You Gift Tags and Ideas to Make Someone Happy
Has anyone ever surprised you just to let you know that they were thinking of you? Or have you ever wanted to surprise someone just to know you were thinking of them? I have experienced both, and its a pretty wonderful thing! I want to be that person that person who brings joy to someone just … [Read more...]
October 2016 Calendar… Be Brave and do Hard Things!
The October 2016 calendar is here! Every time a new season begins I get all excited and proclaim "Now this is my favorite season!" So far this year I have enjoyed some winter, spring summer and coming up... FALL! But really, Fall is my favorite for now. ;) I'm looking forward to cooler days and … [Read more...]