Hello Sunshine! Oh what do you do in the summertime? Here's your June calendar to help you plan! {CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD} Enjoy! Jillene … [Read more...]
Thoughts & Prayers for Oklahoma
Words cannot express... My thoughts and prayers are with Oklahoma in the wake of the tornado tragedy that struck this state on 5.20.13 Let us take time to remember those who are suffering and grieving at this time. God bless those in need. Jillene … [Read more...]
Uplifted and Inspired! Free prints from General Conference. :)
This past weekend, I was truly {uplifted and inspired} as I was able to watch the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. No matter what your religeon, if you are a christian and believe in Christ, the words spoken are so uplifting. Its always nice to be … [Read more...]
Ideas galore… A Big Big Link Party!!
#thebiggestlinkpartyever IS NOW HAPPENNING! Yay! I am doing the Happi dance!! P A R T Y! with Ginger Snap Crafts! We are celebrating Ginger Snap Crafts 2 year blog anniversary and inkhappi is co-hosting their WOW ME WEDNESDAY LINK PARTY. annnnd this is going to be … [Read more...]
Party! Party! Link Party Page!
There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that isn't visible from my home page. so... To help you better understand some of those things, I am going to share some posts about my various blog pages. Today I am sharing my LINK PARTIES page. It is found on the second column of my home page … [Read more...]
Inkhappi is very “happi” to announce….
Printing service for {inkhappi freebies} is now available! I have had several people inquire about this and I am proud to announce that we are now offering printing service for all our freebies. Maybe there is that one freebie that you would LOVE to have displayed in your home right … [Read more...]
Today’s “happi” moment
BEST PART OF MY DAY... I like to call it my "happi" moment :) :) :) :) yep. true story. OK, I'll tell ya... It was when I was driving home with my 2 year old grandson {lil Ry Guy} after spoiling him a bit... Yes. SPOIL! And you would too if you were graa-ma to this … [Read more...]
For the LOVE of Fonts~ {Fun! Free! Whimsical!}
Here is another batch of fabulous fonts. They are... FREE! FUN! WHIMSICAL! and Great for Spring! &&& I am sharing the links to download them. [BiG SMiLE] {Now isn't that just super-duper EASY?!!} Here are the links for the downloads: {Make sure you follow any licensing … [Read more...]
2013 and one simple word
With a new year comes a renewed interest to improve, set goals, and make resolutions. I must admit that I have never been too big on resolutions, but I have had great success with one word, a quote, or statement to focus on for the year. I also have learned that "baby steps" has been very … [Read more...]
A New Year to enjoy! 2013… Bring it!
We are well into the new year and I have gotten off to a slow start. I intend to make up for it though… starting…. NOW! "You don't HAVE to, You GET to! That's right, I get to! I "GET" to make the most of whatever life brings my … [Read more...]