5.12.13 Happy Mothers Day to all women out there!! Whether you have your own children or not, I believe that all women have been given a divine role to act as mothers in some form if they so desire. So come on ladies, lets embrace this gift we have! :) Although Mothers Day is celebrated … [Read more...]
For the Love of “Quotes” { Motherhood Quotes }
You know I love quotes... so here are some favorites I compiled about {MOTHERHOOD} ...... Motherhood Quotes ...... I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. ~Abraham Lincoln All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. … [Read more...]
Please Be Kind… for Kindness Matters {Prints}
Please be kind for kindness matters! That is the message for today. Simply put. Be kind. I found the most amazing site called "The Random Acts of Kindness foundation" Check them out HERE They have KINDNESS IDEAS QUOTES STORIES LINKS GRAPHICS EDUCATION LESSON PLANS & … [Read more...]
Please Be Kind, for Kindness Matters! {Quotes}
I have been wanting to do a post with printables on kindness for some time now. Well, guess what? TODAY, is the day!! I am starting with some kindness quotes today, and I will share some really {CUTE} kindness printables tomorrow. Yay! I stated in an earlier post how recently I had been … [Read more...]
Our hearts go out to Boston… What WE the PEOPLE can do for our Country!
In the wake of this tragedy in Boston on 4/15/13, it laves me wondering... How could someone? Why? Why? WHY? What is in store for our future? ...and so on [ I heard someone on TV talking to a reporter saying, "Well, there isn't anything we can do, so life goes on and we hope … [Read more...]
Uplifted and Inspired! Free prints from General Conference. :)
This past weekend, I was truly {uplifted and inspired} as I was able to watch the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. No matter what your religeon, if you are a christian and believe in Christ, the words spoken are so uplifting. Its always nice to be … [Read more...]
How could someone be so mean?
Why? WHY BE MEAN?! This last week I have heard a few stories of people being downright mean. Seriously. And It breaks my heart hearing stories of racism, harassment, child abuse, teens taking their lives due to bullying, people writing mean stuff on photos of someone they know, and the list goes … [Read more...]
Hey wait a minute… Yes! It’s March!
Wow St. Patty's day Spring Easter Are all just around the corner... Are you ready for this? Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ~Robin Williams The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring. ~Bern Williams The front door to … [Read more...]
No one quite like her…
Mae West. "Vaudeville Performer, Playwright, Broadway Sensation, Movie Star, Sex Goddess…Mae West was each of these things, but first and foremost she was an independent woman who became an icon simply by being herself." {Taken from the biography on her official site. Click HERE} She was … [Read more...]
“To love and be loved”
As you know... I LOVE Quotes. &&& I LOVE Love! so... Here is 14 quotes about LOVE!! Many of these can be very thought provoking if you take a moment to ponder them, you may unlock some secrets to... "Love and be … [Read more...]