{Everyone appreciates a fun surprise now and then. Right?}
The Other evening I was casually checking/reading my e-mails and I came across this one…
Hi Jillene!
We’re so excited to tell you that YOU WON!!! You’re the proud new owner of our fav things gift basket, well worth over $200!! WAHOO!!! Congrats!! Please send us a mailing address and we’ll ship this out tomorrow!!
Thanks for following along, that means so much to us!! (:
XOXO, Kelli and Kristi
{Lolly Jane Blog lollyjane.com}
I won?!!
Rarely do I win and like a {bagillion} people entered this contest.
I was so excitedI I wanted to tell somebody. But it just so happened that everyone I knew was already in bed.
I tweeted it. {lonely, yet satisfying}
When I responded to the e-mail, we found out she lived only a couple of miles from me. How cool is that?!
So I saved her $15 in mailing and she dropped it off at my house. :):)
Wanna see what I won?

{Prize winner of my favorite things from Lolly Jane}
Owl plate, Grandma’s Jam, CUTE <3 measure spoons, fun jar lids, awesome magazine, Home Depot GC, measure key chain. lots of craft supplies, modge podge, stamps, bakers twine & more, and a really cute “MERRY & BRIGHT” sign that they made. {isn’t that Me?}
You can read about the fun contest where 25 bloggers got together and offered a basket of their favorite things for gift giving all under $25 HERE. 🙂
for this {i am grateful}
Sounds a little selfish?
Well, everyone appreciates a fun surprise now and then. Right?!!
PLEASE don’t forget to enter the giveaway I am part of {HERE}.
Contest ends on Thanksgiving 11/22 and a WINNER will be announced!
Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving week!
Counting down to day 2!
That’s SO awesome!!! I wanna come see the goodies 🙂
Cool, Huh? I am heading to Home Depot! Hahah