October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I love to share information and prints that bring awareness to worthy causes and this post serves that purpose!
Actually, this post has been a long time coming. One of my readers wrote me sharing a bit of her personal experience and asked if I would be willing to share some prints to help with Domestic Violence Awareness. Of course I was delighted to do this! I had intended to get this post out earlier this month but we just purchased a new home {a future post – yes, exciting} and I have been busier than usual taking care of personal matters. Finally before the end of the month, I am “happi” to be able to share something that will benefit Domestic Violence Awareness.
Download this print———>> HERE
Everyone knows someone who falls victim to domestic violence. We just may not be aware that it is happening. The truth is that most cases go unreported. Eventually, many of those unreported cases will end up in life threatening or life altering situations. Anyone can be a victim and it happens to both men and women. Here are some interesting statistics taken from safehorizon.org
Sadly, it’s not just a single victim involved. In many cases it can be a whole family affected.
Domestic Violence Awareness: Some other facts…
I’m no expert on this subject, but there is plenty of information out there to inform and offer help to those needing it. I personally have witnessed domestic violence and know some currently involved in the domestic violence cycle. I also know and have talked to many who have broken free from domestic violence. I know it can be done but also know it is very, very, very, {and many more very’s} HARD to do. So many victims feel helpless. They don’t have a plan. They think they are in love. They put up with too much.
Download this print———>> HERE
Download this print———>> HERE
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence has many great resources and services to help with awareness and support of victims. For a list of other organizations that support this cause go HERE.
Download this print———>> HERE
And to that victim out there who is afraid to break free, to speak up, or get help, I have this to say…
Download this print———>> HERE
National Domestic Violence Hotline and blog is also a fabulous resource! The hotline is confidential and available 24/7.
I hope this shed some light on Domestic Violence. Feel free to share and use these prints for personal use to help increase awareness and possibly save someone from abuse.
This is such a tough issue to tackle! Thanks for bringing more awareness.
Cori recently posted…Caffeinated Crafters â Tuesday Link Up #22
Yes it is Cori and I’m no expert but it breaks my heart to see this happening.
I can’t express how grateful I am that you made these! they are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them!!!
Thanks you Lori! It was a pleasure. Now they are here and they can be seen and used all year. I will promote them a lot again next October too.
Jillene recently posted…Domestic Violence Awareness Information & Prints
Awesome! I’ve saved them to my computer. 🙂
Thanks for always sharing so many wonderful things. These are great!
What a wonderful and beautiful way to share information about something so mean and ugly! People must not turn their head to any type of abuse.
Tracey @Let’s Go Junking recently posted…Mason Jars & Horses
You got it right Tracey. Sad but important.
Thanks for putting that together! Those are awesome!
Mrs Major Hoff (Sara) recently posted…How to design a Pumpkin Monster using a popcorn box!
Thanks Sarah. Not a fun subject but worth sharing!
Does your domestic violence prints come in JPEG?
Hi Deborah, I will check and get them to you if so!
Thanks you Chi!
Me being a survivor of Domestic Violence and starting a website bring awareness to everyone and talking about living with the after effects of living with my abuser for 13 years and finally able to walk away. It helps when people understand what to look for and how to approach the subject to a loved one. It is hard to talk about but that is part of the healing process. Thank you for helping get the word out and if you need any more information on this subject please let me know. I am in my healing stage of this road to recovery.
Thanks for your comment Charlie. I’m sorry you’ve had to experience domestic violence but am glad you are on your way to recovery!
It is very sad that domestic violence printables are even a thing 🙁
But yes, they are needed, so thank you for sharing them
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