Happy Happy Thoughts
Happy thoughts each day can help keep the blues away!
To start off todays happy thoughts is a happy yellow quote from Vincent Van Gogh. I have studied Van Gogh in the past and his art and story really inspired me. Starry Starry Night is my favorite artwork from him and this quote has a big punch of “happi” in it! First of all, yellow is a happy color and the sun is, well it’s sunshine! Right?

Very happi bright yellow sunny quote from Vincent Van Gogh!
I love this one as it has an element of cute that is so me, and that pop of chartreuse makes my ‘color envy’ smile!

I love this simple message! “if you want to be happy, BE!
You can find this print——–>> HERE
…and then there is Ghandi. This is his definition of happy!

Happiness & Harmony
I am sharing two FREEBIIES this week!
I LOVE these happy thoughts!
The first is about gratitude, and we all know that you can find happiness without being grateful. After all… there is Always, Always, Always something to be grateful for!

BE Thankful. BE happi.
I love this quote by Gordon B Hinkley. I have always known him to be a very happy man and a great example of all things good!
Have a great week.
So love your website. Such positives vibes.
Thank you Chillibibi! I aim for a positive, “happi” vibe. Come back often. 😉