I am going to share my last Countdown to Thanksgiving blessing with yes, the greatest blessing that has come into my life…
It happened just over 30 years ago…
When I was 16 years old. And I knew…
This STORY would never end.
got you curious?
Drumrollll……. please
Awwwwwwwwww. i know.
OK, I cannot end this weeklong blog of blessings without acknowledging my verryyyy best friend, my glue, the one that keeps it all together for me.
Here are some of the reasons, just to name a few:
KIRT {my BFFhubby} is the most wonderful, AMAZING man I know. I am GRATEFUL for the love and respect he shows me.
He would do ANYTHING for me, and does so everyday. He is always by my side and helps and supports me with EVERYTHING!
I am GRATEFUL that Kirt has accepted the fact that one thing about me will never change… and that is that “I LIKE THINGS A CERTAIN WAY” (ya-I am picky). He doesn’t always try to understand it; he just does his best to help me with whatever he can and wants me to be happy!
I am GRATEFUL for his tenderness and sensitivity toward me and others.I never hear him speak ill of anyone.
I am GRATEFUL for how HARDWORKING he is. I don’t know anyone who works as hard as him!
I am GRATEFUL for his SKILLS. Yes, he CAN do anything!
I am GRATEFUL for our amazing daughter that we raised together. He is also a FABULOUS dad!
I am GRATEFUL for the GOOD times and the NOT SO GOOD times, that we have been able to share and endure together.
I am GRATEFUL for the opportunities that have come into our lives since Brit has grown up such as our “old folk” {no we aren’t!} trips to our cottage in Lakeside and the little adventures we share as “empty nesters”. We crack ourselves up sometimes when we are cooking our little meal for two together, or watching our weekend flick together on the red sofa. We look at each other and say. “Are WE getting old? IDK about that but….
i can’t wait to grow old with this man!
I COULD NOT do it without him.
I love him with all my heart.
For this {i am grateful}
We celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary on Friday 11/23!
Happy Happy Anniversary to my BFF Hubby!
{BFF= Boyfriend forever/Best friend forever}
Here’s a Fun printable to celebrate !

{A True LOVE story Never Ends}
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!
I desire to read more aspects of it!