Oh hello! Here’s the June 2020 calendar and print about positive thoughts. June! Almost the halfway mark of 2020. What a crazy 2020 it’s been. We got this though! How are you holding up? As I write this I’m almost to May. I’m sure May will be challenging but we’re going to make lemonade out of those lemons. Right?!! Here’s the calendar.
June 2020 Calendar and Print
As I was about to begin creating the calendar, it hit me that I wanted to design this in green… and pink! So that’s what we’ve got. We also have flowers. Lot’s of daisies. I love daisies. Words that describe daisies to me are:
- cute
- simple
- kind
- dainty
- fragrant
- fun!
Honestly I wouldn’t mind being like the daisy. Hahah!
Your mind is a GARDEN
Your thoughts are the seeds
You can grow FLOWERS
Or you can grow weeds.
Ok, this thought is a little “cheesy” but it really has a good meaning behind it. You know how I’m all about positivity and happiness. Well, it all begins with our thoughts. As an analogy, think of your mind like a garden. Your thoughts are seeds that grow in your garden. Good thoughts, or positive thoughts will grow good, kind and positive things. Things that can make you happy! Negative, self depreciating, unkind thoughts will grow weeks. Nobody wants weeds, right?
Our thoughts are so important!
Summer is right around the corner. What does your June 2020 calendar have in store? I know right now times are uncertain. I hope you can enjoy the outdoors somehow. Here in Arizona there will surely be some swimming. One thing we can all do is to keep it positive. Positive thoughts and positive vibes. Enjoy the little things. Choose to be happy no matter what you do!
How about that Calendar and Print?
Download the June 2020 Calendar and print here:
I really enjoy your calendars. They are a bright spot in my kitchen. Thank you so much!
Thanks for your kind words Connie! I’m glad you enjoy them.
Always so Beautiful!!! I am a novice and need a little tech help downloading. I have the acrobat but usually there was a link for jpeg and pdf. I would put them into PowerPoint and then insert my own monthly activities. How do I do that now?
Sorry Abby, I fixed it back to the individual downloads. I emailed you the files. -Jillene