I was sent this darling Little Lamb from Bethlehem book set from Deseret Book to review and share some printables to go with it. This book was created by a sweet grandmother looking for a way to help her grandkids focus more on the Savior at Christmas time.
Little Lamb from Bethlehem
The illustrations are adorable and the plush lamb is unbelievably cute!
Here’s a preview of what I’m talking about…

Photo courtesy of Deseret Book
You can purchase The Little lamb from Bethlehem fun box set Deseret Book!
I have seriously fallen in love with The Little Lamb! The Little Lamb teaches about the life of the Savior and shares ways that you and your family can follow the Savior’s example and serve others throughout the Christmas season.
I’m really excited to help families bring the focus of Christmas back to the Savior with some ideas and printables! Over the last few years I’ve shared a lot of posts and printables to go with Elf on the Shelf. The Little Lamb from Bethlehem is a more Christ-centered alternative to the Elf on a Shelf.
Here are some ideas of ways to show Christ like attributes as you count down the 25 days to Christmas. Look for ways to include The Little Lamb from Bethlehem in your activities.
1) Hang a stocking for Jesus and fill it with notes for Him throughout the month.
2) Make treats to deliver to a neighbor and leave a card with it from The Little lamb.
3) Read John 13:15 and talk about ways to be the kind of person Jesus would be.
4) Start a jar to collect money to donate anonymously to someone in need.
5) Do a chore for a family member and leave a note saying the The Little Lamb did it.
6) Write a note expressing love to a family member and leave it on the bed with The Little lamb.
7) Write a thank you note to a teacher.
8) Be a friend to someone who is new or may not be included.
9) Shovel a neighbors driveway or do yardwork for them.
10) Grocery shop together as a family and donate a bag of food to local food bank.
11) Visit someone who is alone and read The Little Lamb story to them.
12) Read story of The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-57) and do something kind for someone.
13) Make a thoughtful card for for someone and deliver it.
14) Volunteer to serve a meal at a local homeless shelter.
15) Gather toys and clothing to donate to a shelter or thrift store.
16) Read John 13:15 and talk about ways to be like Jesus.
17) Read Matthew 5:9 and talk about ways to be a peacemaker.
18) Take the Little Lamb on a drive to look at Christmas lights together.
19) Read one of your favorite Christmas stories with The Little Lamb.
20) Shop for a gift for a child or family in need.
21) Fill a stocking with little gifts and treats to take to someone who is alone on Christmas.
22) Visit a local Nativity display with The Little lamb.
23) Act out the Nativity scene with your family and The Little Lamb.
24) Take turns as family members sharing your favorite stories of Jesus. (could do for few days)
25) Learn about how other cultures celebrate Christmas.
26) Read the story of jesus birth from Luke 2 in the bible.
27) Read John 12:46, discuss, and make luminaries to line your yard.
28) Make a Gingerbread Nativity scene instead of a Gingerbread house.
29) Find a local charity event that you family can attend and contributre to.
30) Choose a family or person that your family can do an act of service for.
31) Make a list of things you love about someone and send it to them.
32) Take a meal to someone in need.
33) Go to a park or childrens playground with games, stories, bubbles or treats for all the kids.
34) Leave a bunch of pennies heads up in a parking lot for “good luck” and watch what happens.
35) Let someone go ahead of you in line a few times. See how it makes you/them feel.
36) Go to a local place and pick up litter.
37) As a family, babysit for another family so the parents can have time to to get out alone.
38) Invite a family to dinner and share the story of The Little Lamb with them.
39) Leave a kind message or generous tip to someone who served you.
40) Have a birthday cake, and sing happy birthday to Jesus. Then read your notes to him.
I have a few ways this list can be used. The first is a calendar I put together with 25 ideas from the above list that can be done in the month of December. I also created a blank calendar that you can fill in on your own with your own ideas and/or ideas from the list.
Another set of printables I’ve made is chain links with the ideas from the list. They can be cut out and made into a countdown chain leading up to Christmas. The links have the ideas from the list or you can print blanks and add your own ideas for activities.
The third printable is notes for Jesus to put in a stocking throughout the month. You can share something with Jesus that you did, something you learned, a gift you’d like to share with him or something else. This is a tradition our family has. On Christmas Eve or Christmas Day you can have a birthday cake for Jesus and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. Then you can read the notes you wrote Him throughtout the month.

“Happy Birthday Jesus”
I’m also sharing a fun Coloring page that has “hidden “ little lambs on it.
You can download all these printables here——->> DOWNLOAD
Hopefully these ideas will help you plan out a more Christ centered Christmas if you wish. I’m certainly excited to incorporate this into Christmas for my family this year!
I love all these printables! I can’t wait to use them. And the little lamb is so cute! He has such a sweet face.
Thanks Britney! I think the little ones will love this Lamb.
Hello Jillene, you are an angel. I love the printables. I am going to buy this book and lamb set.
Your printables are so inspiring too
Awww Thank you Rosemary for your kind words! I hope you enjoy your sweet little lamb. <3
Where can I get the printables for this? When I click the link I get an error “403 forbidden”
Hi Kristie!The problem has been fixed and is now working. Thanks and enjoy!
The link is showing as forbidden. Am I doing something wrong?
Loved your ideas for the Little Lamb, I would love to print it out, but the download doesn’t work. Please take a look at it. If you can email it that would be great.
Thank you
Is the download no longer available?
Hey, such cute ideas. I can’t seem to find where to download them. Can you help me out?
Is the download no longer available?