We finally made it through March (phew). Today I’m sharing the May 2020 Calendar. Now we just need to survive April to see what May brings. Right?!!
May 2020 Calendar & Thought
How is everyone doing as we endure this COVID19 quarantine? I, like usual am trying to stay positive and happy. It isn’t easy though. I’ve had my days of crying, feeling lonely and stressed. I do believe being positive is the right way to go though. By that I don’t mean not being real. You can be real, feel what you’re going through, and have major concerns but still focus on being positive at the same time. Complaining never helps make things better or bearable. It’s kind of like this…
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
I’m not sure what May will bring but I’m guessing there will be lemons. We’ve all heard the term make lemonade out of lemons. The lemons are the hard things in life and the best way to make things better is to sweeten things up by making lemonade.
So this is my challenge for May. Let’s try to make the best of the hard things, the crappy things, the difficult situations that we may encounter. Who’s in on this? I’m going to make a conscientious effort to do this. I’m going to give you six examples of how this can be done.
- Be prepared. If you prepare for the worst case scenario, you will be able to handle what comes your way better.
- Stay Calm. Calmness can bring pace and with that happiness.
- Go outside. Breath some fresh air. Look for the beauty of the earth.
- GRATITUDE. Focus on what you’re grateful for and the blessings in your life.
- Learn to accept things. It’s ok to feel heartache or pain. Let your emotions be felt but also accept those things that make it that way.
- Move through your problems knowing you can control how you react to them.There are outside forces, of course, but it’s up to you how you’re going to cope with them. Don’t get angry or freak out. Remember, “this too shall pass.”
Those are just a few ways to make that lemonade. Make your own recipe and enjoy it!
Ready for the download?
Here’s the download to the calendars and print, all in one place.

may 2020 calendar
Super cute calendar, as always! One of these quarantine days I want to make actual lemonade with my kids! 🙂
Awesome Britney! Bring me some!
I have been printing your calendars and quotes for years! Love them!
I also use the calendars as my desktop wallpaper. Convenient to have the calendar handy and i love pretty calendars.
For May since you don’t have the JPG i cant get it on my computer 🙁 Are you not going to have this format anymore?
Thank you!
Thanks for the kind words Lanette. I sent you an email with files!
What happened to being able to print either Jpeg or PDF?
I love printing your calendars and the way it is set up now is not user friendly 🙁
Thank you,
Debbie Wilkins