This is the November 2018 Calendar. For reals. Can you believe we’re nearing the end of another year? I can’t wait to do some planning and fill in this calendar with lots of good stuff!
I believe November is seriously my favorite month! I love Fall and I’m happy to finally be getting a glimpse of it. In Arizona it seems to take forever to get a true Fall feeling but we usually can experience Fall in November. The weather is so nice in November we can usually do a lot of outdoor activities. I look forward to evenings around the fire pit, Thanksgiving and my 34th wedding anniversary. I’m also looking forward to spending a week in Hawaii in November. So bring it on !!!
My thought or challenge for November is just a question to ask yourself daily.
What are YOU grateful for today?
Pretty simple, right? It’s like keeping a gratitude journal. When you focus on what your grateful for daily something wonderful happens…
What are some benefits of doing this?
- You will appreciate more
- Your outlook on life will be more positive
- It can improve your physical health
- Gratitude improves psychological health
- You will sleep better
- It can improve and even increase your relationships
- You will be HAPPIER!
I recommend writing these things down in a journal. You will be able to look back and reflect more if you do. The most important thing though is to ask yourself and answer this question. Think outside the box. One of the things I became aware of being grateful for was seeing the neighbor kids playing outside on my way home from work. They would get so excited when I would honk and wave at them. Every time I read that entry and think about it, I get a huge smile on my face and be grateful for that experience.
So, leave a comment and tell me something YOU are grateful for today!
You can download the November Calendar and Print files here:
Here’s to an awesome Fall!
Oh no! I couldn’t get the October calendar to print and now the November doesn’t print either. I’m crying out loud.
Oh no Holly! This has happened before where some it works for some and others not. I’ll send you the files and see if my IT can find the problem.
I am grateful for my husband, who is also my best friend.
I am grateful for my job, ministry in teaching, even though I need to intentionally remind myself that the work, the struggles and joy are a BLESSING!
I am grateful for my parents, who amid cancer, still serve others.
I am grateful that my daughter is employed, and in her first living arrangement away from parents. I am watching her bloom in her own space. So many prayers for her success, sphere of influence, and of course her happiness.
I am grateful for this space. Your ongoing commitment to provide for others uplifting and relevant prints are SO VERY ENCOURAGING. Your work is appreciated.
Thank you Kerith for your kind and heartfelt words! You are a beautiful person. xoxo -Jillene
For some odd reason, when I try to print both November and December months out, the pages are blank.
I’m sorry Tea. I sent the files to you.