19 days until Halloween. But who’s counting?
Maybe a happy witch?
…in a BROOM factory?
What makes me “happi” leading up until October 31st?
Here’s my top 10 things (in no particular order):
~ FUN decorations
~ haunted houses
~ sneaking candy that was purchased 2 months early and is meant for trick or treaters
~costume hunting
~fall festivals
~soups & chili
~HAPPY children enjoying candy
~first glimpse of fall/chill in the air (in AZ)
~tricks & treats!
I Think I found my newest favorite saying for the next 3 weeks!
wait for it…
🙂 🙂
Thank you funny Geico commercial! hahah
Yep! October makes me “Happy as a witch in a broom factory.”
So… I am offering this print as a {FREE DOWNLOAD HERE}
Hope it finds you happy too!
Cheers to October!
Testing comment area… Does it work?
Yep. Yay! hahah
Yay! It worked 🙂 Cute printable!!!
Thanks Britney! Do you have a favorite broom?!! 😉
Which witch are you? Ha. Love the site.
Where is the “I” in happy?
Jenny, I seriously spell happy with an “I” automatically now! But I was thinking of others so I misspelled it for the happi witches out there. 😉
OMG! I LOVE this! That commercial cracks me up. Thanks so much =)