“Happy Wife- Happy Life”
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Original Post was posted on January 28, 2009
OK I just got back from 10 fabulous days in Florida with my 3 sisters.
[ I will soon blog about the trip when I get pics and my act together…]Heres the deal…I missed my husband!
While I saw many Disney Princesses in Florida, I came home realizing more than ever that I am a princess…
A princess Wife!!
Although I had another ride home from the airport, “MY HUSBAND” WANTED to pick me up himself so we could have 25 extra minutes in the car alone, and he could take care of my luggage for me, and we could “talk” about it all. I must mention that “MY HUSBAND” looked especially HOT to me and he had a smile and sweetness about him that I totally adore!! As I hugged and said my goodbyes to my sisters I couldn’t help but feel like a “ PRINCESS WIFE ” as “MY HUSBAND” took me away in the red Yukon.
The next day, I got to go to work with “MY HUSBAND”! 2:00 rolls around and “MY HUSBAND” says, “Hey it’s happy hour. I will be back with your diet coke in a few minutes!” YUP!… “ PRINCESS WIFE ”
At 6:00 when we decided to leave work, I get in my car and realize that my gas tank is on empty. “MY HUSBAND” says “Drive to the gas station and I will meet you there and fill it up for you.” So he drives his truck which doesn’t need gas, parks it and comes over to put gas in my car for me. I sat in my car while he was serving me and thought…
Now I am perfectly capable of doing these things on my own, but I must admit that I do enjoy being a PRINCESS WIFE .
Flowers, cards and gifts can be great but I love that “MY HUSBAND” likes to SERVE me and make me feel SPECIAL. He actually makes me feel like he ENJOYS doing those things for me that make me feel like a “ PRINCESS WIFE ”
A few of my favorites are…
“MY HUSBAND” won’t ever let me bring in groceries… that is HIS job. “MY HUSBAND” ALWAYS picks up my meds for me. “MY HUSBAND” loves to make me drinks at home and makes sure they are just right with the perfect amount of crushed ice. …and at QT he runs in and makes me the “perfect drink” while I listen to music in the car! “MY HUSBAND” is ALWAYS willing to watch MY choice of movie. “MY HUSBAND” is ALWAYS willing to run an errand for me. OR he will drive me there and WAIT for me. “MY HUSBAND” removes my toenail polish FOR ME! “MY HUSBAND” will teach our Sunday School lessen for me when it is MY turn and I am a little stressed over another event. When “MY HUSBAND” helps me with a project, he will go out of his comfort zone and put extra care into it to make sure he does it “just how I would like it”
He’s a pretty cool guy!
Can’t wait until Monday. Oh to be a Princess Wife once again!!
aaww thats so so sweet. you two are so awesome. kirt is such a sweetheart you two were made for each other!
Ok “MY HUSBAND” will be reading this post 🙂
I will testify that all this is so true. My mother is a “Princess Wife” and my dad absolutely adores her. I am completely convinced that he would do just ANYTHING for her.
I will also say that while my mom was gone for 10 days…my dad was a mess. He kept cutting himself shaving, dropping things, forgetting things, he was extra stressed. And I konw it’s cuz she was gone. It was adorable!
It was also funny to notice the difference between when my mom would go out of town when I was little compared to now. Back in the day, he would try to “play mom” in her absence (cooking, doing my hair, etc.) This time around he expected me to “play mom”. He would ask me what was for dinner. I did all the dishes and cleaning for the week. I gave him advice. It was so cute. 🙂
Love my daddy. And glad mommy is back!!
I about died laughing re-reading this Brit! Kind of made me feel good at the same time! 🙂
Jillene recently posted…Princess Wife & A Husband Who Rocks!
You two are so cute! I do have to say that in my whole life of knowing my Uncle Kirt, I have never seen him be anything but so nice. I agree with Kelsie, you guys are made for each other.
Wow Miss Jill you are the idol of my day. I pick one idol each day and try to be more like that person…and if I chose you every day, I would be a millions times the person I am now. You’re just one of those people within 2 seconds of talking to, I think to myself “she gets it” thanks to Cotter for the phrase 🙂 Anyway you are a princess and a precious Daughter of God here to radiate light into everyone’s lives, like my own. Much love girlie…and I still want an invite to the red sofa party 🙂
okay this is the cutest thing ever. end of story. i love my second family.
I’m so glad to hear it…you deserve it !!!