Have you ever wondered…
Santa and Christ ?
How do Santa and Christ go together? How can Christmas truly encompass Santa and Christ together? What do Santa and Christ have in common? How can Christmas be celebrated with Santa and Christ both a part of it?
I am sharing my personal experience on this and how I have celebrated the Joys of the season with plenty of room for SANTA and CHRIST
I’m going to share a secret about me…
I believe…
in Santa Claus!

Yes! I believe!
Ever since I can remember, I have loved Christmas and Santa has always been a part of the joy it brings to me. I remember looking in the sky on Christmas eve and believing I saw Santa Claus. I still remember the feelings I had. Happy feelings! Butterflies in my tummy feelings. Sure enough on Christmas morning, I was never disappointed! Santa always came and brought joy to our home! I couldn’t help but feel love & joy!
Then when I was in 4th grade the unthinkable happened!
My fourth grade teacher Mrs Casey told our whole class that Santa didn’t exist. He was “made up” and I had been lied to by my parents all my life about Santa.
Can you believe THAT?
I am still to this day not a big fan of Mrs Casey….
I was pretty upset about this, but as in all things something GOOD always comes from something BAD. Right?
So let me tell you about the good.
First of all, I discovered on my own that Mrs Casey was wrong!
There really IS a Santa, and now I could be Santas helper! I could help bring the joy Santa brings, for others as well as myself! I still looked for Santa in the sky on Christmas eve, I still felt that happy feeling of joy, got butterflies in my stomach, and was always happily surprised on Christmas morning.
I also knew that Jesus is the reason for the season.
Please see my last post for my thoughts on this HERE!

{Jesus is the Reason for the Season}
It brings me to this.
Have you ever wondered how Santa came to be? So important to Christmas and to You & Me?
So how do Santa and Christ come together for Christmas?
When I was in my 20’s I found my answer! It was in a poem who’s author is unknown. ( I have searched for an author with no results) From that day forward on Christmas eve, this poem is read in our home. I have shared this poem with many over the years. This year I have had several requests for it!
I’m going to share it here now. It begins like many Christmas poems, but evolves into a poem of great meaning. And it brings Santa and Christ together!
THIS is why “I believe”
“To Remind the World of the Love Jesus Gave”
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
And on goes the story about Christmas Eve
And the jolly old man in whom we believe.
Have you even wondered how Santa came to be?
So important to Christmas and to you and to me?
Well, it all began a long time ago,
The night before Christ to earth was to go.
All prepared to make Christ's birth well announced,
With angels and music and anthems pronounced.
But alas, all had forgotten in the final rush
How to make Christ’s birthday remembered to us.
The kingdom was searched for the most excellent plan
That would help us remember Gods gift to man.
A saintly old fellow, so jolly and gay
Came up with the best plan that was offered that day.
He said; Send a fellow each year at this time
Who would help people be happy and comfort their minds;
He could help man remember that God loves us so
By bringing presents to both friend and foe.
"He would show by example that true love and joy
Come only when shared with each girl and each boy."
Heaven decided that Santa’s plan would be just right,
And Santa was asked to play the part that very first night.
So from the first Christmas right down to today,
When one heard the bells jingling and saw the big sleigh,
They knew it was Santa making his way
To remind the world of the love Jesus gave.
So, this night before Christmas when you hear Santa come,
Remember he's doing it for the love of Gods Son.
Remember that he teaches as did Christ of old
That to give of ones self is more precious than gold.'
Here is a printable I am sharing today!
I have mine framed in a 8×10 so I can preserve and share it each year.

“To Remind the World of the Love Jesus Gave”
Every Christmas eve I read this poem with my family. We talk about the true meaning of Christmas. Then we sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jesus! It is something we as a family look forward to and it is important to me to share this with my grandchildren. Here is my sweet little grandson blowing out the candle on Jesus birthday cake last year.

“Happy Birthday Jesus”
I can’t wait for our Christmas Eve tradition this year!
I love love LOVE this poem! Thanks for sharing. And your Grandson is darling. 🙂 A tradition we have is… Santa comes to visit the kids and gives them a little gift that has some meaning of Jesus to it such as a small nativity or picture of christ.
What an awesome tradition Trish. That is a great way of letting them know the importance of Christ in Christmas! Thank you for the kind words. Have a wonderful Christmas!
We don’t have many “traditions” other than just having fun but I LOVE this idea and I might just have to do it this year. 🙂 THANKS for sharing! I love it!
Your welcome Rachel. I like that you have fun. FUN is good! 🙂 I’d love it if you added this to your Holiday this year!
This is a beautiful reminder that I will now share each and every year with those I hold dear. At Christmas we always make new decorations that help us remember our past year and allow us to share this time together. Christmas is a time of beauty and also of sadness for us as my mother, brother and our twins(inutero) passed away. My teens, hubby and I love to share and hold each other closer during this magical time of year. Since my teens were little we have always shared the tradition of new pj’s and getting to open one gift before bed. We all curl up and watch the Grinch who stole Christmas (for fun) and then my kids(girl and boy) sleep in one or the others room as a fun togetherness thing. They started that years ago all on their own. So thank you for sharing this with us and may the season ahead bring you and yours the love and beauty of this season.
Debbie, Thank you for sharing with me. I can’t believe how much your traditions and togetherness sounds like us as we have done the exact things as you with the exception of the Grinch which we definitely watch on a different night! I’m sorry for your loss. That is tough especially at holiday times. I too have lost loved ones and lost a sister to cancer just days before Christmas. I shared that experience also in another post here: https://inkhappi.com/what-christmas-means-to-me-2/ and I’ve also shared a post of our ornaments that help us remember the past year here: https://inkhappi.com/new-framed-tradition-and-2013-calendar/. Have a wonderful holiday season Debbie! Wishing you peace, love & happiness.
I love this!!! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Irene! I love it too and love the tradition we have created for each year. Thanks! 🙂
Thank you for that sweet poem
Thanks Laura for stopping by. I really do love this poem and pretty much have it memorized from year to year!
I love this poem Thank you so much for sharing! I’m glad it’s still around as I am just finding it now!
May God’s peace and blessings be with you and your family this holiday season.