Did you get your June 2014 calendar? I made such a big deal about Sunshine so I am sharing some sunshine quotes and free printables that go along with the June calendar.

All about SUNSHINE. Sharing Sunshine quotes to go with the june calendar!
About that SUNSHINE…
Here is a list of 10 sunshine quotes that I found to be fun, unliftling, and definitely all about sunshine!
“Sunshine Quotes”
Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadow. ~ Helen Keller
A good laugh is sunshine in the house. ~ William Makepeace Thackeray
The sun lay like a friendly arm across her shoulder. ~ Margorie Kinnan Rawlings
Anyone’s life truly lived consists of work, sunshine, exercise, soap, plenty of fresh air, and a happy contented spirit. ~ Lillie Langtry
A day without sunshine is like, you know, night. ~Steve martin
Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. ~James M Barrie
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~ Anthony J D’Angelo
Daisies are like sunshine to the ground. ~ Drew Barrymore
Friends are the sunshine of life. ~ John Hay
It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside. ~ Maud Hart Lovelace
For many more “Sunshine” quotes check out brainyquotes.
Now here are the prints I used as inspiration for the June 2014 calendar:

Sunshine prints that go with the June 2014 calendar
Here are the download links:
“bring on the sunshine”——–>> JPEG or PDF
“sunshine makes me happy”——–>> JPEG or PDF
For an awesome idea for a “Gift of Sunshine” see this post where I share even more sunshine free printables!
[…] To go along with the calendar I did a couple of fun Sunshine prints that are going up on another post. I always like to share some tips to a happy life so I am sharing some quotes on Sunshine. It is something to think about that may help brighten a day. I hope you enjoy these prints and the thoughts that go along with them! Click on the photo below to be taken to the sunshine quotes and post. […]