Today I have an “uh-mason” teacher gift idea for you!

“Teacher Gift Idea”
With the end of the school year fast approaching are you still looking for that super cute, easy, and trendy teacher gift idea? I am sharing a simple idea for a great teacher gift and I am whipped up some printable tags to go along with it! Mason jars are all the rage right now and the are tons of ideas of ways you can use them with gifts. I love these 32 oz heavy plastic mason jar mugs with a metal lid and matching straw. They are sweat proof, dishwasher safe, and I did I mention {yes} that they come in 32 oz size?! I purchased mine near the garden section at Walmart for under $8. I have seen them on Amazon, Target and I know many other stores are carrying them right now. There are so many types and sizes to choose from.

“Teacher Gift Idea”
If you don’t need this for a teacher, maybe you need a fun thank-you gift for someone? How about just a thoughtful little gift for a friend? These printable tags will work for all of those things too! I am sharing the 5 tags on an 8.5 x 11 sheet. There are 3 variations of the uh-mason gift tags and 2 blank tags to use as you wish!

Super easy teacher gift idea to put together!
All you need is your Mason jar of choice, the tags, scissors, a hole punch, and ribbon!

There is such a variety of mason jars out there…
I think these would be great filled with a favorite treat, drink mixes or how about a convenience store gift card so they could re-fill it with a favorite drink? Boom! great gift! 🙂
Here are the tags which are great for your teacher gift idea, or other purposes. 🙂 Enjoy!
July 31, 2014: I just made some more tags that are appropriate for the beginning of the year or year round. You can find that post and new tags HERE. Yay! Enjoy!
Check out these fun photo prop signs for the new school year HERE
Also, at the beginning of the year I shared a school year memory page. It was versatile for boy or girl and adapted to any age! The end of the school year would also be a great time to fill on out. Check it out HERE!
Have a super weekend!
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Creative Collection link party
These are so cute, just like everything you do! Thanksssssssss 🙂
Awww thanks Deya! I’m glad you like them.
This is adorable….any idea why when I print it’s in black and white. I have tried the jpeg and pdf and they are in color and then in my print preview screen they appear black and white…thanks!
Thanks Christina! The only thing I can think of is that your printer settings are set to black and white only? It wouldn’t have anything to do with the file. I hope you figure it out. The colors really pop when this is printed! 🙂
is there anyway we might could get one saying something like. “I’m looking forward to and uh-mason year!”?
Hi Kristy! What a great idea. I thought of it and then kind of let it slide by. Yes! I can do that! I will get them out in a day or two and let you know! 🙂
I am so excited. I am a director and these are going to be precious gifts.
Yay! Thanks Kristy! I just posted another page of new tags that go with these also… More appropriate for the beginning of the school year, Check them out. 🙂