“What Christmas Means to Me”
“My Story”
Sixteen years ago this month, my sister passed away from a battle with breast cancer. without going into any of the heart breaking details, I will just say it was a tough holiday season. I put a tree up with lights on it that year, but didn’t really feel like decorating and didn’t put ANY ornaments on the tree. I actually enjoyed sitting by the tree and looking at the lights on a bare tree. It gave me a feeling of peace that I so desired, but it also bothered me that I wasn’t into decorating because it was always something I loved about the Holiday Season. One day, a couple of women from my church came by and brought me a gift that they had given all the ladies at church. It was an ornament. A clear ornament with a transparent image of Christ.

{Clear ornament with image of Christ}
I immediately put the ornament on the tree and could see Christ’s image glow through the lights on the tree. That was the only ornament put on my tree that year. That was all it needed. From that point on my tree had more meaning to me than it ever had before. I looked at that tree with that one little ornament numerous times that season. It brought me the peace and joy of the season. I will never forget that year. Every year since, that ornament finds a home on my tree along with all the other fun decorations. Its my favorite ornament!
That is what Christmas means to me.

Can you spot Jesus?
Can you spot Jesus on my tree?
I love the holiday season and the joy that comes from celebrating Jesus Christ’s Birthday. That spirit of Christ brings forth many joys including this:
{Christmas}It’s about…
The music, the laughter, the childlike innocence, lights & decorations, gifts and acts of kindness that put a smile on someone else’s face as well as our own,
This is Christmas. <3
I love this time of year mostly for the extra feeling of love that is felt.
This usually comes from giving and serving.
This is also known as Charity.
That is what Christmas means to me.
I am sharing a printable today that is a scriptural reference to the birth of our Saviour.

“What Christmas Means To Me”
I am grateful for the opportunity celebrate the birth and life of Jesus Christ.
I am also grateful for that one difficult year that allowed me to focus on what I believe is the true meaning of Christmas.
This is what brings me to another printable I’m sharing! You can get it in Blue or Black.
No matter what you believe or how you celebrate, I wish you ALL the Joys of the Season!! 🙂
Visit HERE for more about the Christmas Story and my personal beliefs.
Wow. Thanks for sharing this story. It makes you stop and think about what is most important. Have a wonderful Christmas Jillene!
I love the printables 🙂
Thank you Sophie. I hope you enjoy the printables and your Christmas as well!
I just came across you blog today while looking for a calendar template! I immediately fell in love with it! The colors, the designs, the templates; your story! It’s absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing your talent!
Thanks Verona for your kind words! I just made some of those ornaments this year!