Happy New Year!
I’m so excited to begin a new year! Seriously. I already said this is my year. Do any of you feel that way also? I needed a 2014 annual calendar to help me prepare for the great things that are going to happen!
Today I’m sharing a 2014 Annual Calendar!

2014… Make it GREAT!
So there it is. 2014 at a glance!
I’m off and running with the “do one thing everyday that makes you happy”. It fits me, it fits inkhappi, and it’s something everyone can benefit from. Right?
I chose words that for me, can equate to happiness and added them to the 2014 annual calendar.
Here are some suggestions to “get happy”!
[Spend time with those you love]
[be K I N D & G I V E]
[Think Positive/Positive Attitude]
[Enjoy the little things in life]
[Have FUN]
[Spend time outdoors]
[Spend time on a hobby such as reading, music, or your favorite pastime]
[Take Good Care of Yourself]
Some other suggestions I liked were found in this Readers Digest article. 🙂
• Set aside a worry time, such as half an hour after work. If worries come up at other times, put them out of your mind until worry time.
• Practise random acts of kindness. Research shows altruism is a powerful catalyst for happiness.
• Redefine happiness. Some people think happiness only means pure joy, but it also includes emotions such as contentment. Work out what happiness means to you.
• Be curious. Set aside time to do something new, such as taking up a new sport or visiting a different town. –
I plan to look at my 2014 annual calendar and do some pondering, planning, goal setting and try to find some things out of the box that can bring more “happi” to my life.
I need this time to come up with a word to FOCUS on in 2014. {FOCUS hee hee, that was my 2013 word}
Hopefully you can find a way to put this 2014 annual calendar to work for you!
Linked up here:
Thanks for the inspiration!I will use this. I love the words you chose and added to the calendar. I am looking forward to this new year too!
Good to hear! Happy WONDERFUL New Year Deya!
Will you be making an annual calendar for 2015? We love your calendars and use them every month here at our leasing office. Thanks 🙂
Yay! Love this! Yes Christine, I will. ——–>> January’s calendar will be up Monday the 8th and my 2015 annual will be up by the following Monday! So glad you enjoy these calendars!