“Blast from the Past”
Happy Happy 23rd Birthday Girl!

I love this girl! She really is like a daughter to me 🙂 and today, oops yesterday cuz it is after midnight was her 19th birthesday!! Natalie will love that I am up at 1 am writing this cuz we can sometimes both be insomniacs.
Nat and brit have been friends since 9th grade and they were pommies together all through high school. That means that they spent MUCHO time together! That means that they shared BAJILLION’s of secrets with each other and of course with me too! Cuz Nat caught on early that I was a COOL mom like that 🙂 hahah
I appreciate Natalie because she has not only been a good friend to my daughter, but she also treats me well. I love teenagers. Really! Especially ones who TALK to me and share a little of their life with me. That would be Nat!!
OK so in honor of her 19 years, I will share 19 facts and feelings I have about Natalie the GREAT…
1. We have more pictures on our computer of Natalie than any other friend of Brits. Waaayyyyyyy more. and that is A LOT a lot A LOT of pictures!!
2. Nat will come to see me even if Brit isn’t around. I know she will hang with me when I soon become an empty nester old lady boo.
3. Nat just makes me feel SPECIAL and IMPORTANT.
4. She accepts advice from me.
5. We text funny things to each other.
6. She calls me MoM, adopted mommy, Jilly, and other fun stuff 🙂
7. She has an amazing sense of humor! We LAUGH a lot hahah! She makes everyone laugh and she is quick with her humor!

11. She appreciates the things I do for Brit. Like she reeeally does! So it makes me want to really be a mommy to her too.
HaPPY BiRTHDAY dearie!
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