Current WORD obsession
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I have always had a thing for “WORDS”. Sometimes a word comes in my mind and I think it to death. Thus, a new post is introduced! Acceptance is an important part of creating happiness. It’s hard to accept things that make our lives more difficult, or limit us in some way. But that gets in the way of our happiness. I have an autoimmune disease and have had some health issues that have really limited me the last few years. I feel like this has really limited me from reaching my potential. It has really frustrated me because I just can’t do all that I want to do. My mind sometimes gets way ahead of me! So I am learning to accept the things I cannot change. I love the following thought provoking quotes related to acceptance. I hope you enjoy them also along with the free printables I am offering today.

Here are the quotes…
When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others. -by Peace Pilgrim
Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections. -Gerard Way
For after all, the best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain. – Henry Wadworth Longfellow
Give love and unconditional acceptance to those you encounter, and notice what happens. – Wayne Dyer
Acceptance of others, their looks, their behaviors, their beliefs, bring you an inner peace and tranquillity — instead of anger and resentment. – Unknown
Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. – Saint Francis of Assisi
Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune. – William James
The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen. -Ralph Marston
As for me…
These are some of my personal thoughts about acceptance…
Everyone doesn’t think like me or share my opinions. The grass IS NOT always greener on the other side. I AM getting older. Something will annoy me everyday. Men are just DIFFERENT than women :]]. We have had to rebuild our future after losing our business. I must work daily in some way. Someone amazes me every day. My home isn’t always clean. I can’t CHANGE someone else. I am who I AM. CHOICES have Consequences. I must deal with traffic, and red lights. Only I can make some things happen. There will always be a project “to do”. I must face roadblocks. There are only 24 hours in a day.
I also ACCEPT that…
I won’t have any more children
Not everyone understands me
I don’t always feel GREAT
I have health issues I am fighting to overcome
Scorpions abide in crevasses near my home
I don’t have Oprah’s money
I don’t have Heidi Klum’s looks
I am not Mother Theresa
…and I am FAR from perfect
I ACCEPT with gratitude that…
I am a child of God
I have a Husband who ROCKS & MORE!
I have a daughter, son in law, and grandchild that amazes me daily
I have fabulous friends, and family close by
Everyone is different, yet has something to contribute
I have faith
I have knowledge
I can take care of my family
I have Jesus Christ in my life as wonderful example and Savior
Babies are the cutest sweetest most incredibly amazing creatures on this earth! {I LOVE BABIES!}
Here are the Acceptance prints and download links!
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BE happy!
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Great post! This is so true. I like this word also and wish everyone had an easy time with acceptance. I love your honesty in sharing your personal thoughts. Thanks!
Thanks Deb! I have a strong belief in acceptance. I’m glad you appreciated it. :):)
Jillene recently posted…Pregnancy Announcement …Oh My! {free printables}
Great quotes.i love it…and I’m gonna share with my freindz.thank you so much for sharing.
Yay! Glad you enjoyed it Nelly! 🙂