It’s calendar time! And here’s the April 2018 Calendar, motivational thought and print!
Right now I’m enduring the coldest February I remember ever having in Arizona. I’m trying to make this April calendar as “Springy” as I can and hopefully by April we will be feeling it! I’m loving the yellows and pinks and blues together with a hint of spring flair!
I get such a good response to my calendars and I want to let you know that I love creating them for you! It surprises me how many teachers tell me they use these for their classrooms. While my thoughts in creating them are usually universal I want to make sure my messages can make an impact on students. So with that being said….
Here is my motivational thought for April!
It’s not enough to be friendly, you have to be a friend!
Does anyone know where I got this from?
…. It’s from RJ Palacio and the movie Wonder.
If you haven’t seen the movie, I strongly recommend it. It’s heartwarming, inspiring and can also tug at your heart a bit. It’s got real in it, some humor, some disappointments, and well, it’s just a great movie!
But this statement about being a friend has a good message to it. I’ve heard so many stories lately about how not just being friendly but being a FRIEND has changed lives, and will at times SAVE LIVES! Everybody is fighting a battle. We can look at someone and think they have it all, or they are so happy, when really they are hurting inside. A new caring friend is all they may need to feel better. It’s great to be friendly and we should strive to always be just that but this month I challange us all to make a NEW FRIEND!
What can we do to be that friend? I will just pick my top 5 that come to mind.
- Invite them out or to your home
- Compliment them
- Listen to them
- Give them a meaningful gift
and last but certainly not least…
5. Serve them
Be thinking about that! Think about it a lot or even pray (if you do so) for an opportunity to be a friend to someone new. Someone who needs YOU!
Ahhhh I love just thinking about this. Oh the stories to be told after this challenge.
If you have any great friendship stories, I’d love to hear them. Oh! …and stay tuned for some more Wonder quotes and free printables in the near future!
I absolutely love how creative you are. Your quotes are simply amazing. Please know that someone appreciates your work. Keep ’em coming! You go girl! ♥♥♥♥
Awww thanks Thel for the kind words! I love doing what I do and enjoy sharing it! xoxo