Please be kind for kindness matters!
That is the message for today. Simply put. Be kind.

Kindness freebie printables at
I found the most amazing site called
“The Random Acts of Kindness foundation”
Check them out HERE
They have KINDNESS
I just began following them on FB & twitter where they share daily ideas for acts of kindness {not that we should need ideas}. Opportunities are around us everywhere!
Here is a story found on their site about an act of kindness at the Boston marathon tragedy that I found very heartwarming.
Be kind. 🙂
A Ride to Safety
I ran the 117th Boston Marathon today and was stopped at Mile 24, two miles from the finish line by police who informed the runners that we could not go any further and did not offer any further explanation. We were shunted to side roads. I then learned that there had been an explosion near the finish line. I tried to call my husband who was to meet me at the finish line by borrowing a cell-phone from a couple but there was no signal. They kindly offered to take me to their apartment nearby and figure out the problem. I decided to walk towards the finish line but after a few minutes, I ran into two men, a runner and his friend, Will and Tom and I asked them what happened, they told me that there had been some explosions at the finish line that I should not go to the finish line or take the subway home because subways were the worst place to go now because of the possibility of unexploded devices. Tom told me that his girlfriend, Mel was coming around the corner to fetch him and he offered to take me home. In moments of such uncertainties, they offered me help and were so kind to make sure I was safely home before they took care of their own needs. Bravos to Will, Tom and Mel and God bless your kindness.
They have many ideas of ways to show kindness. Here is an example:
{if you haven’t done this one, try it! It’s the best! I have done this and also received this one on numerous occasions.}
Pay the Tab for the Person Behind You
Have you ever experienced kindness from someone you don’t know? Knowing that someone else noticed you can make your day a thousand times better, especially if you’re feeling down. Celebrate those around you by doing random acts of kindness for strangers, just for the sake of making someone else happy. Pay the tab for someone behind you in line at the grocery store, gas station or the drive-through. It doesn’t have to be costly, just friendly.
Sometimes it is the simplest act from a complete stranger that can have the greatest, lasting impact on a person. When someone realizes that a stranger noticed them and cared enough to do something special for them, it can brighten their day and maybe help them to understand their self-worth.
Step It Up
Offer to pay the tab for the person in line behind you at the grocery store or gas station. You could also pay for the drink of someone behind you at a coffee shop. If you notice someone who looks like they’re having a bad day, all the more reason to cheer them up with a random act of kindness!
Keep It Simple
When you notice that someone in line in front of you at a store is short on money when it comes time for them to pay, offer to chip in a few bucks or whatever it takes to help them afford their purchase.
I was impressed.
Check it out!
OK, now as Promised from the last post…
Here are the freebie prints in 4 color options!

Kindness freebie printables at
{You can download the prints HERE}
Seems like a neat site.
Thanks so much for linking up at the Real Family Fun link party! Hope to see you next week.