Yay! December 2013 Calendar! I have been getting requests for the December 2013 Calendar so here it is! This one is quite whimsy as are most of my calendars. I do these to fit my personality and hope others will enjoy it too. I love love love the holidays and am looking forward to an awesome … [Read more...]
November 2013 Calendar… It’s here!
Its here! The November 2013 Calendar! I'm sure everyone may have their own reason to look forward to the November 2013 calendar. Here in Arizona, I look forward to some amazing cool weather, fall festivals, my wedding anniversary (27yrs) and celebrating Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoy … [Read more...]
October 2013 Calendar is Here!
October 2013 is almost here! That means.... Time for a new calendar! &&& Planning new adventures. :):) My monthly calendars have become one of my favorite things to post each month. Have you seen my other calendars? You can find them all HERE. Ok, here we go again. Are you … [Read more...]
September 2013 Calendar is Here!
Wow. I can't believe another month has passed us by and I am already sharing September 2013 Calendar! I am in the process of moving and I have been pretty busy getting ready for the move but come September 1st I will be in a new place. So September will definitely bring new experiences for … [Read more...]
August 2013 Calendar is Here!
August is just around the corner... So here is inkhappi's August 2013 calendar! I get such a great response to my calendars and I really enjoy making them. So I hope you will enjoy the August Calendar. I was feeling a little bit of Coral, and of course aqua and green are great … [Read more...]
Your July Calendar is here… Celebrate America! Enjoy Life!
Here it is! Your July 2013 Calendar! The June calendar was a favorite of mine and I had a tougher time getting my July "mojo" but its a wrap. The final edits were made and here it is! I kept with an Americana theme because that is what I relate to July the most. I also find July to be filled … [Read more...]
Hello Sunshine! Hello Summer! It’s your June Calendar!
Hello Sunshine! Oh what do you do in the summertime? Here's your June calendar to help you plan! {CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD} Enjoy! Jillene … [Read more...]
Yes… its here! {Your May 2013 Calendar}
While I am still livin' it up for my big "50"... I took some time out to create our 2013 May calendar. I know I am gonna have to face the fact that may is almost here and soon I will be back to work in full swing! Here are the "happi thoughts" I chose for the May … [Read more...]
It’s Your April 2013 Calendar!
It's a good day to have a good day! I can't believe it is already April. I thought it would be fun to share this infographic on April Fools Day. It was taken in 2011 by surveying 400 fools. Hahah! Were you one of the ones playing a joke on this day?!! Ok now … [Read more...]
Hey wait a minute… Yes! It’s March!
Wow St. Patty's day Spring Easter Are all just around the corner... Are you ready for this? Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ~Robin Williams The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring. ~Bern Williams The front door to … [Read more...]