The last few days have been a little crazy. I was planning to design my February Calendar and get it posted on Friday when an unfortunate incident caused my computer to crash. Pretty scary for me because I do so much with my beloved Ms i-mac and I think she carries most of my livelihood. So I … [Read more...]
Determination is what I am talking about!
DETERMINATION What a POWERFUL word! Determination is what I am talking about today and the topic this weeks "happy thoughts". Click here to download print------>> JPEG or PDF With a new year comes a renewed interest to improve, evaluate, and set goals. I have had great … [Read more...]
Top Posts of 2013 from inkhappi… Readers choice!! :)
ANNOUNCING the READERS CHOICE for inkhappi's Top Posts of 2013 ! I am doing it… Sharing my top posts from 2013! While looking at my website stats, it was interesting to see what the readers chose as the top posts for 2013. They are all different. Annnnnd my TOP post happened in like a weeks … [Read more...]
Deep Thoughts …from Jillene, A B C Style!
I love to ponder! Give me a quiet beautiful location with little worry and I can think about a lot. Seriously. My favorite places to ponder are on a serene beach by the ocean and up in the mountains amongst the pine trees. Since those are usually vacation destinations or short getaways for me, it … [Read more...]
Quotes to start off the new year! {week of 1/6}
It's been awhile... I am getting back to my weekly happy thoughts posts to start the week. This week I am sharing some quotes to get the year started off right! Last week I shared a post {HERE} with several of my favorite thought provoking new years quotes and thoughts on goals and dreams. I … [Read more...]
2014 Annual Calendar and Some Inspirational Thoughts
Happy New Year! I'm so excited to begin a new year! Seriously. I already said this is my year. Do any of you feel that way also? I needed a 2014 annual calendar to help me prepare for the great things that are going to happen! So... Today I'm sharing a 2014 Annual Calendar! {Download … [Read more...]
January 2014 Calendar is Here!
Its almost here… 2014! That means it is time for the JANUARY 2014 CALENDAR I love making the new Calendars each month and I'll continue to share them in 2014 starting with my January 2014 Calendar. I never know how they will end up when I start creating them but I am usually pretty happy with … [Read more...]
Christmas Movie Quotes! {free printables}
This weeks "happi thoughts": Christmas Movie Quotes! If you are wondering why I chose to share Christmas movie quotes for this weeks happy thoughts it's because they make me happy. The other evening we sat around the dinner table and shared our favorite Christmas movies. That lead to favorite … [Read more...]
Gift of Sunshine! All Things Yellow Plus Free Printables!
Give a Gift of Sunshine! ……………………………………………………………………... I have always loved the color Yellow. Van Gogh once said... "How wonderful yellow is. It stands for the sun." It's also been said that yellow is associated with happy things. Sometimes we go through trials or see others go through tough … [Read more...]
Epilepsy Awareness …November is Epilepsy Awareness Month!
November is Epilepsy Awareness Month! {download link here} Two years ago today {11/11/11} my cousins lost their son from epilepsy. On November 11, 2011 at the age of 24 Spencer Webster died very unexpectedly after having a seizure in his sleep. The cause of death was SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected … [Read more...]