Hey hey friends! I'm here sharing the December 2023 Calendar today along with some thoughts on new beginnings. Sorry it's a little late. I really can't believe we are already to this point in the year. I also want to talk about how we can end the year strong. December 2023 Calendar... Looking … [Read more...]
Gratitude talk, along with our November 2023 Calendar!
Let's talk Gratitude! Let's talk about the November 2023 Calendar! Can you believe I am already posting about the November calendar? I'm kind of mind blown to be honest. Time moves by quickly and we are nearing 2024. this year has been pretty good to me and I'm looking forward to see what the next … [Read more...]
October 2023 Calendar and Quotes about Courage
Hello friends! Are you ready for the October 2023 Calendar? Well it's here! It comes with a motivational thought and quotes about courage and I am excited to share it with you! October 2023 Calendar and Quotes about Courage I was excited to make this calendar because I'm taking a vacation to … [Read more...]
August 2023 Calendar and a thought about Positivity
Hello and happy July! Today I'm sharing the August 2023 Calendar and a thought about positivity. We are officially halfway through 2023 and August brings us closer to fall, which is something I look forward to. Yeah! August 2023 Calendar and a thought about Positivity Positivity is … [Read more...]
June 2023 Calendar and a thought about ATTITUDE!
Hello friends! It's time for the June 2023 calendar and I have a thought about attitude that I'd also like to share. So how has 2023 been so far? I can't believe we're almost to the halfway point of the year. This year has been a bright spot for me. I'm feeling pretty good and making some things … [Read more...]
Spring Quotes and the April 2023 Calendar
Sharing Spring Quotes and more! Hello April 2023 Calendar! Hello Spring! It's coming up real quick here. I'm excited to share this calendar and a thought about Spring. April is my birthday month so I always look forward to that. Let;s talk about what else is in store for April! April 2923 Calendar … [Read more...]
March 2023 Calendar. This is your lucky day!
Hello! This is your lucky day! I'm here sharing the March 2023 Calendar and a thought about Luck. So of course I chose a green theme for March. March 2023 Calendar and a Lucky Day! Once again I'm sharing a thought that our "attitude" can have an effect on. Believing, being positive and being … [Read more...]
February 2023 Calendar… Love what you do!
Hello friends! It's been awhile but I'm back with a very late January 2023 calendar and the February 2023 calendar and print. Being it February, I tied my thought into Loving what you do! So here's to a very pink calendar full of happi-ness! February 2023 Calendar and Print... Do what you … [Read more...]
November 2022 Calendar and a Thought About Gratitude
Here I am! Bringing you the November 2022 Calendar. I'm also sharing a thought on one of my favorite virtues... Gratitude! I must apologize for being so late with this calendar. I have been struggling for a few months in finding my groove. I'm slowly working my way out of it. I hope you can … [Read more...]
October 2022 Calendar and a thought about procrastination
Hello! Welcome to the October 2022 calendar post! Our thought this month is about procrastination. This is something that has been on my mind a lot so It's my focus for October. I love Halloween but decided to refrain from a Halloween theme to keep it mainstream. Here's what I came up with: October … [Read more...]