It’s a Chalkboard Menu Board!
Today I am sharing a post my daughter had written on her blog after we attended a crafting event together. We each made a cute chalkboard menu board from old cabinet doors, some paint, chalkboard paint, some M E N U letters, and some fabric flowers. It was fun working on them together and they seemed to draw a lot of attention from some of the other crafters attending that evening.
{My daughter had a wonderful blog {Jesse’s Girl} for a few years but she decided to put her blog to sleep while she pursues her mommy duties and completing a couple of novels she is working on.}
Here is her post!
Back in March, I attended The Glitter Academy’s craft night with my mom. We came up with a fun project for the two of us to do that night and I’m just NOW getting around to posting it. Mostly because I just finished the last final touch (chalkboard paint) about a month ago. I don’t think they’re lying {whoever “they” is} when they say procrastination gets you nowhere….
I now present my Chalkboard Menu Board!

I’d been wanting a chalkboard menu board in my kitchen for years (quite literally, actually), but had never gotten around to making or buying one. My mom had been wanting a fun chalkboard (not for a menu specifically, but just for fun). And so the project was born!
My dad makes and installs cabinets, so we asked him if he had any extra cabinet doors just lying around. Of course he did! {Yes, I’m lucky!} Also, we were lucky that these doors didn’t need to be sanded either. Double plus!
First, we painted the outer portion of the cabinet door red. As we waited for that to dry, we made some flowers out of {adorable} fabric. My mom made them into magnets and I hot glued mine to the bottom corner of my board. I also painted some letters to spell “menu” out on my board.

When the red paint had dried, we taped off the edges and began our first layer of magnetic chalkboard paint combo. After our second layer of this stuff, we had to go home (it takes 30 min. for each layer to dry). Upon finishing the project, the magnetic paint didn’t work. Dumb! We followed the directions exactly and it wasn’t even CLOSE to being magnetic. But the chalk paint works PERFECTLY. I’m so in love with it!
P.S. — Can you tell who decided our menu for the week? Yup! Jess. Burgers, steaks, roast, blah, blah, blah. I DID choose the taco salad though. Yum!
{end post}
Ok. Isn’t my daughter darling?

I love this girl! 🙂
For another similar post check out this message board I made using Expo window markers:

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