It’s time to decorate! Here’s a Christmas Banner to add to your Holiday Decor. It’s similar to the Thanksgiving banner and I will be adding one for each holiday this next year!
Christmas Banner
The black and white check is my favorite holiday look right now and matches my decor so I chose this design for the banner.
How and when do you decorate for Christmas?
I’t’s always been tradition that my family decorates on Thanksgiving weekend. Last year I broke that tradition and decorated a couple of weeks earlier. I have yo admit that it was pretty nice having them done before I felt the rush of the holidays. This year we are getting ready for a remodel and I have things a bit out of place until we’re through. I did manage to get decorations up in spite of it and it’s currently a work in progress. Here is my tree last year. I just pulled this pic from my phone but you can get an idea of it anyway.
Speaking of decorations, I have some really cute Holiday prints in my shop for a reasonable price. The first two go well with these banners! Here are a few examples:
Buffalo plaid reindeer head and Merry & Bright print:
(I have these in 3 different plaid prints)
Cute Holiday Cars Prints:
So head over to shop inkhappi after you download these cute banners!

christmas banner header
Christmas Banner:




as icons
Have a wonderful Holiday season!
One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Don’t clean it up too quickly. -Andy Rooney
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