I love this girl to pieces!

Briney Jean senior photo 2008
One of the greatest blessings in my life was this girl here, And because she is my only child I can say things like she is my favorite, the best, etc… BONUS!
She has always impressed me in so many ways and now that she is grown and has her own home and family she continues to amaze me.
I could share a lot about how wonderful she is but I promised to share grateful experiences beyond the normal obvious ones such as family, friends faith, home, etc…
I will just share this.

Cutest kid ever! 🙂 says Grandma!
The other morning I got a call from Britney asking if she could drop by.
A few minutes later she walks in and my grandson comes up to me with a giant grin on his adorable two year old face and hands me this!!

A thoughtful gift… {just because}
 It had lots of fun goodies in it that I love!

Super Fun Stuff! 🙂
A thoughtful gift___ just because!
I had expressed sadness over something to her the day before and she knew this surprise would cheer me up. What a wonderful gesture! What a wonderful girl!
It could have been anyone dropping by with this,
but it wasn’t just ANYONE.
It was…
{my favorite girl}
For this, {i am grateful}
Britney has been celebrating a holiday or fun theme a day this year with her son. It happened to be “kindness” day, and they shared their kindness with ME!!
You can see her version of this story..
It’s the weekend! Make it a good one!
Be grateful!
be happi!
:):):) glad you liked it!