Here’s a fun idea for crafting with those dollar store pumpkins!
{dollar store pumpkins}
will last for years
your own style

Personalize a dollar store pumpkin!
You know I like projects that are quick and easy… Well the other day I picked up a couple of pumpkins at the dollar store. They looked like pumpkins, you know orange with a brown stem. Yep. But I wanted to give them a personal touch. I love black and gold together so I picked up some gold thumbtacks also at the dollar store. Two pumpkins plus one pack of 300 gold thumbtacks came to $3.00. I painted the pumpkins black with some spray paint although any paint would do. Then I just freehanded a design on each pumpkin by sticking the tacks in them. I wanted one with a monogram and just did a filigree design on the other. The cool thing was that these foam type of pumpkins took the thumbtacks really well and I could remove and replace them without a problem. You could also trace a pattern on the pumpkin before placing the tacks. I added a small piece of ribbon as a leaf type garnish. It was a cute finishing touch.
{See it for yourself}
What do you think?!!
Thats it. just thought I’d share my fun little project. :):)
You can find the cool October 31 Halloween print in the picture above as well as some other Halloween prints and banners by clicking HERE. (Enjoy!)
I have a few other spooky thing around my new tiny place. There is always room for a few Halloween decorations!
This is my last Halloween post (I think). I hope you can take advantage of some spooks and fall fun the rest of October! To see other Halloween posts from inkhappi——>> Check HERE.
I have the pumpkins already and I am totally doing this! Thanks for sharing. I am into black & gold also.
Yayyyyy! Have fun with it Ruth! Send me pics. 😉