Happi 4th of July!
inkhappi will be sharing nearly a thought a day for the rest of the year.
Starting with today’s thought!
{the above print}
which I am offering as a freebie today!
Each week I will post 4-7 quotes, thoughts, or qraphics that can contribute to a “happi” life.
So chalk one up for happy quotes!
Here are this weeks {fri-sun} that will be posted on my social media outlets.

Enjoy! Be “happi”!

B E A U T I F U L thing

“happi sleep” 🙂
Feel free to share any of these thoughts online as long as you link it back to inkhappi. I wont be offering free printable versions of all of these but if you are interested in any of them, they can be purchased in high quality jpeg and pdf file formats in my dollar shop for only $1.00 {of course}
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