As promised I am getting my monthly calendars out a month in advance so today I’m sharing May 2015 calendar! It’s time to say bye bye to another month and hello to a new month and just like that a quarter of 2015 is behind us.
I think this is my favorite calendar yet! I hope you LOVE it! I chose my message as “Get through the month as fast as you can”! Awesome, right?
OK, here. it. is.
What do you think?
Really now, what do you think?!!
Did I get ya?
UPDATE 4/21: Well the April fools joke was really on me! My April and May calendars had the wrong amount of days listed. April is 30 days and may is 31 and I switched them. I got my templates messed up and even though I do check that prior to making them I totally messed it up anyway! Ahhhhh I feel so stupid! As for April, lets just “pretend” we get an extra day. 😉 The new May calendar is corrected with the new download so you will see 31 days in May. And I doubt I will make this mistake again but I will still make mistakes. I do appreciate it when readers bring it to my attention so if you notice one please notify me through a comment or an email via my contact page. {I’m nice–promise!}
If you know me very well then you will know that THIS is more like it:
How about instead of getting through the month as fast as you can, YOU:
1. Come what may and LOVE it!
2. Make everyday a special occasion.
3. Enjoy the little things.
The quote I used on the calendar is one I have shared before and you can find it here.
You know I love to find a reason to celebrate and I love the thought of making everyday a special occasion. That doesn’t mean that some days I prefer to lay low a bit, or keep to myself and it also doesn’t mean that some occasions aren’t more special than others. It’s all about enjoying life and choosing to be happy {happi} everyday no matter what you do!
Remember Mothers Day is in May. Don’t forget to make a mother or someone close to you feel special that day. 🙂 And start planning for the big memorial day weekend. Will you go somewhere, do something special, or just enjoy it chillin’ out at home?
So here’s wishing you all a fabulous April and the month of May to look forward to. 🙂
Here is the May 2015 Calendar downloads:
Download calendar here:
Happi April and enjoy your April Fools! 😉
LOVED the first Calendar! Thought is was PERFECT! The real one is nice, too!
LOL Lorraine! I think I totally agree with you. 🙂
The calendar is wonderful. Both the calendar and the print links lead to the calendar. If you have some time (I know this stuff takes lots of time) would you change the print link to lead to the print, please?
TJ recently posted…Mountain Monday * 30 March 2015
Thank you Tj, ahhhh I can’t believe I missed that. It is fixed now!
I love your calendars! I just wanted to let you know the April Calendar had 31 days- there are only 30 days in April. And the May calendar only has 30 days, and there are 31!
nicole recently posted…May 2015 Calendar …Come what may and love it!
Nicole! I recently became aware of this. {facepalm} I got my templates messed up and even though I do check that prior to making them I totally messed it up anyway! As for April, lets just “pretend” we get an extra day. The new May calendar is corrected with the download. Thank you for informing me though. I really appreciate when people let me know!! 🙂
Jillene recently posted…May 2015 Calendar …Come what may and love it!
I tried to download and print May Calendar and they only print a blank sheet, although they display nicely like they will print. I did from PDF link and print and download link. Tried multiple times and backed out and went back in, are you having issues? Jpeg finally printed, but PDF would not. Love it!! Thanks!
I’m so sorry that has happened Kelly. I think everything is fine on my end. I had someone say the same thing a few months ago and I think it may have something to do with a setting on your computer. I will email you the files and see if you can get it that way.
I am also having a problem downloading the PDF..
I’m sorry Brenda. The link seems to be working fine. Sometimes it has something to do with the settings on your computer and how it accepts downloads. I will try sending you the file and see if it works that way.