Hello friends! I’m here with the May 2023 Calendar and a thought about doing what makes you happy. I also have an exciting announcement for me! How has 2023 the year been treating you? So far, It’s been the best year that I’ve had in a while. I might even say that “this is my year”! Let’s all hope for a marvelous May!
May 2023 Calendar and a thought about being happy
I’m going to share a personal experience that goes with my thought for the month:
Don’t hold back on doing what makes you happy.
There is a lot that makes me happy and I don’t hold back on these things:
What puts the {i} in happi (happy) for me…
MY BFhubby 
Britney, Jesse, & lil Ry guy & Princess Roxy
Adventures with my grandchildren
Exclamation points! && Ampersands!
Receiving my monthly BEAUTY BOXES!
Being a grandma, a mother, an aunt, a sister, a friend, a wife
Crushed ice
Favorite designers such as Kate Spade, Mary Engelbreit & Betsey Johnson
Weekends at “the cottage” with my BFhubby
GIRLFRIENDS…. GNO, lunches, sisters, shopping
CAKE… in any form… MmmmMmm
Seeing OTHERS happi 
About twelve years ago I started this blog because I have a love for graphic designand it makes me happy. I also love sharing and am all about finding the joy and happiness in everyday life. That is how “inkhappi” came to be, combining the ink from Graphics and happy things. I liked the i at the end to personalize, “putting the i in happi”.
I could of started my blog sooner than I did, I thought about it a lot and I finally took the plunge and it has created happiness in my life. I’m glad I did it and I’m not looking back!
This all brings me to the last couple of years. I have always loved beauty, my subscription boxes, shopping for a good deal, and home design and decor. SO… instead of just thinking about it, I have started a you tube channel sharing those things I love! It took awhile to make the plunge but This motivational thought actually brought me to it.
So here is a video I did of getting to know me and what puts the “i in happi” for me:
Please check out my channel and since I’m new to this I’d love your support by subscribing. I’m thinking of doing monthly videos of my calendars and thoughts!
Speaking of calendars…
Download your May 2923 Calendar and thought here:
Download calendar here —->> PDF or JPG
Download print —->> HERE
What’s going on your May calendar?
Congratulations and thank you for sharing! I will definitely check out your channel!!!
Your calendars make me happi !!!!!
Thank you Christine! I’m glad you get it/me!