First off, being it Mothers Day I want to give a “SHOUT OUT”to all the wonderful women in my life!!
My MOM IN LAW: She has always been so good to me and shown me love, not to mention that she raised an AMAZING son KiRT!!
MY SISTERS, SIS IN LAWS and NIECES: We have shared many special times together and they are ALL wonderful examples to me!
MY FRIENDS: They are all so good to me and an INSPIRATION and EXAMPLE to me!
Oh! The JOYS of Motherhood!
*I GOT IT!*What she said was true, and I felt it! It was so
A M A Z I N G and I to this day will never forget that moment! I have been able to experience many more joys of motherhood in the last 20 years. I was only able to give birth to one child which was a trial for our family at times, yet we were so blessed to experience so many wonderful things with this child. When the doctor gave her that first check up he said, “She’s PERFECT!”, and that she is still to this day in the eyes of her mother! I could not ask for anything more than what she is and has become.

{ninth grade “Sweetheart”}

{“Sweet-Sixteen Darlin”}

{“Senior State and National Champ”!}
{HS gratuate with many great honors}
Do you wanna know what I told her ?!
Hmmmmm… Well I told her this…
“Soon YOU will be able to experience the greatest JOY ever!
That is to feel the love as a mother for your own child!”
I couldn’t be HapPieRfor her! 🙂
What a beautiful daughter, and touching post from a loving mother….You did good Jill….thanks for sharing.
love you mom!!! 🙂
love this!!
You are so sweet and that was fun to read. I loved reading about your feelings toward April too. You heart has room for everything and everyone! Love you!!! You're my hero:)