GROW THROUGH what you GO THROUGH… It’s here! The October 2019 Calendar and motivational thought! And just like that we are into the fourth quarter of 2019 and entering into my favorite time of year. Yeah!
October Calendar & Motivational Thought
Who loves Fall? Me! (raises hand) Although in Arizona Fall doesn’t really begin until November but we see glimpses of it in October. I like October for that reason and I’m also a fan of HALLOWEEN. So something to look forward to this month!
What’s been on my mind lately…
That’s what I’ve been dealing with. Going through it and growing through it. I’ve been meaning to post about my health journey lately but haven’t gotten there yet. I always like to keep it positive but I know some of you have questions about it. That’s why I haven’t posted much lately. Hopefully that will be changing soon. So I’ll share a couple of my challenges here along with this thought and how I get and GROW through it.
I have Lupus and 2 years ago I got Vasculitis from it. In one short month it damaged my kidneys putting me in Stage 4 kidney disease with no chance of repair. The sad part was that it wasn’t discovered for several months. It was overlooked by one doctor and another specialist discovered it and the damage was done.
I spent 8 days in the hospital with an unrelated infection in June. It really threw me for a loop! I never want to spend that much time in a hospital again. I experienced the worst pain of my life and after a few days I thought that hospital bed had a better chance of killing me than the infection! But the infection shocked my kidneys threw me into stage 5 kidney disease. In spite of it all I remained positive and determined to keep off dialysis. I could not urinate at all and the doctor said it was time but somehow he saw my determination and gave me one more day. OK I had another day! Things turned around quickly and I was able to hold off the dialysis that I so dreaded.
I’m going to leave this here and hopefully soon I’ll get to that post on my health journey.(Some of this will be repeated in that post)
But what have I learned?
How have I GROWN through this?
It’s humbled me. I have more empathy for others. It makes me want to serve others more as they have served me. It’s convinced me that positivity is the way to go even through the really hard stuff! I’m thankful for the gift I have to be positive and choose happiness first. I know I’m a stronger person. I also know that through faith you can begin to heal in ways you never imagined. Oh my! I’ve learned and grow in more ways but this is possible for everyone going through tough times. I know it!
Ok now how about we get to the calendar and the GROW THROUGH what you GO THROUGH printable!
And here’s wishing you all a FABULOUS month. It can be fabulous no matter what. That is for us to determine!
Great printable, pinning this to print!
Awesome.. Thanks! 🙂
nah, thanks to you for sharing your knowledge with us