{Fathers Day Roundup: Printables, Cards, and Gift Ideas for a quick and easy surprise for dad!} ALL ABOUT DAD! Here are links to all my recent "dad" posts Four free Printables to make dad smile: Dad ROCKS! Card with gift ideas: "DADS … [Read more...]
Search Results for: quotes
Please Be Kind… for Kindness Matters {Prints}
Please be kind for kindness matters! That is the message for today. Simply put. Be kind. I found the most amazing site called "The Random Acts of Kindness foundation" Check them out HERE They have KINDNESS IDEAS QUOTES STORIES LINKS GRAPHICS EDUCATION LESSON PLANS & … [Read more...]
No one quite like her…
Mae West. "Vaudeville Performer, Playwright, Broadway Sensation, Movie Star, Sex Goddess…Mae West was each of these things, but first and foremost she was an independent woman who became an icon simply by being herself." {Taken from the biography on her official site. Click HERE} She was … [Read more...]
“To love and be loved”
As you know... I LOVE Quotes. &&& I LOVE Love! so... Here is 14 quotes about LOVE!! Many of these can be very thought provoking if you take a moment to ponder them, you may unlock some secrets to... "Love and be … [Read more...]
2013 and one simple word
With a new year comes a renewed interest to improve, set goals, and make resolutions. I must admit that I have never been too big on resolutions, but I have had great success with one word, a quote, or statement to focus on for the year. I also have learned that "baby steps" has been very … [Read more...]
Hope & Happi, Happier New Year!
I am strongly considering making "HOPE" my new word for 2013. Hope is an amazing thing. I have a "Silver Book of Hope" that has been very inspiring to me. {PURCHASE {HERE} or {HERE} I love this book, and it is under $4.00!! {It is full of inspirational and very … [Read more...]
A lot of diet coke!
Lately, I have spent numerous hours at my computer building this website and creating {haPpi} projects to share on here. Long days. Late nights. and this is what keeps me going: LOVE laughter & LOTS of DIET COKE!! Coka-Cola. It's an american classic. It was … [Read more...]
Just Around the Corner…
"There is one thing that gives radiance to everything. It is the idea of something around the corner." ~Mary Engelbreit {love her!} {THIS} is how I feel right now! I am getting {SO EXCITED} to be fully up and running! I have been busy building this website and I am sure it will continue to be a … [Read more...]
About Jillene and inkhappi
Welcome to inkhappi! {a happy place} Let inkhappi put the {i} in happy for you with one of many free printables shared on a regular basis. You will find several quotes and inspirational prints, holiday ideas and printables, gift ideas, recipes, home decor ideas and so much … [Read more...]