OK, so this is what I will do when I get my website where I really want it…

“I wanna dance with this happi sheep in the road!”
I will dance in the street…
Currently, I am feeling…
{On the down side}
Putting together a website takes much TIME, patience and a LOT of revisions. I have done this all on my own without much prior knowledge or training so I must admit at times I have experienced much frustration. Which brings me back to Time & patience! {remember patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue, patience…
Currently, I am feeling…
{On the UP side}
I have learned a TON!
I receive a happi satisfaction when I achieve the look I want!
I have had FuNnnn doing it!
I have had some wonderful support in my first couple of weeks going public!
THANK YOU! To anyone following me!
Things are still a little boring around here at inkhappi…
Things will get better!
I hope to be able to inspire and help others through inkhappi!
I am looking forward to the day
that I will dance in the street
I know the feeling! I bought the Modern Blogger theme a little over a month ago, and I tweeked the code to come up with a blog that I am thrilled with – it doesn’t look much like the original, but you can tell I used the theme.
I knew nothing about CSS or any of that other “fun” stuff, but I asked questions on the Studio Press forum, and through some trial and error, I’ve learned a lot in the past 5 weeks, and I’ve had my dance with a sheep because I’m one happy camper!
Yay Susan! That is good to hear. :):) I remember going to your blog from the forums one time! hahah I chose modern blogger from the colors mainly because it matched my logo and style but think I have changed and tweaked about everything else in some way.Thanks for the encouragement. There is hope, and that street is waiting for me!
You’ll get there! I plan on doing an overhaul of MommiFried at some point, too. Right now, however, I’m just focused on and enjoying the writing. 🙂
Thanks Crystal! I needed to hear that. One of my favorite words is ENJOY. I do enjoy what I am doing, I just need more patience to get there!