How about some free printable love checks?!!
Have you heard the term, “Money doesn’t grow on trees?“
I think My parents told me this a time or two while in my teens.
But guess what?!
At my house it kinda does!
OK, not really!
But I did discover that you can withdraw from the bank of LOVE as much as you want!
I have the checks to do so and I am sharing them right here!
I also wrote some of these free printable love checks and put them on my valentine tree. So you see where it “kinda” grows on trees at my house! 😉

Love Checks <3 w/printable at
I was trying to think of something I could do for my honey for valentines day and decided on this idea that I will share today.

Love Checks <3 w/printable at
For those of you that liked my letter to Santa… Adult style {wink-wink}
A valentine for Adults {wink-wink}!
These free printable love checks could
be for your BFF, sister, mom, daughter, etc.
You decide and add your own creative touch to it!!

Love Checks <3 w/printable at
you get it right?

Love Checks <3 w/printable at
I made up a page of 3 you can print up and write away!
The bank account of LOVE can be endless so you might want to print more than one!

Love Checks <3 w/printable at
{Here is the printable, You can download it HERE}

Love Checks <3 w/printable at
Love how HAPPY you are! You made me smile big today! Thank you! Thanks for sharing such amazing pretty happy inspiring printables with all of us! Newbie blogger..hope to get to no you more! Saved you to my pinterest bloggers folder and shared your posts!
Thanks Mary for your kind words! I love sharing happy and positive things on my blog. 🙂 Good luck in your blogging. I had trouble finding your website. If yo give me a link, I can share for you too!