This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Office Depot, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #inspirestudents
Whats up at inkhappi today? A framed glass message board! With school back in session and in full swing in most places, I wanted to create and share something that can be used by all those teachers out there to stay organized and inspired in the classroom. I also wanted this to be something families can use to stay organized with back to school schedules. I had an idea in mind and I wanted to put it together as easy as possible so I headed to my nearby Office Max hoping I could get everything I needed in one place. Office Max is just 1 minute from my house and I can use my REWARDS points there too. Win-Win!
For the glass message board I wanted to use an 8.5 x 11 frame to begin with so a standard print or paper would work in it. I also wanted a clean sleek look. These certificate/document frames were the perfect choice and they were sold 2 in a package at a very reasonable price. Then for the pens and markers… I love color and have a thing for colorful pens and markers so this was the fun part! Office Max is having a deal on these right now. Save $5 Off your purchase of $20 or more on Select Newell Rubbermaid Brands (PaperMate, Expo Neon Window Markers, Sharpie, Uni-Ball, & Mr. Sketch) while supplies last. I picked out the Expo Neon Window Markers and some Sharpies {yes!} to complete my project. I think my new favorite thing is these Sharpie metallic markers. They pretty much ROCK! Many of these brands and back to school supplies are currently on sale right now so it’s a great place to get your school supplies.
I designed a basic background for the glass message board. I liked the look of a tree so I went with that, leaving open space for clear writing. After printing it out I added a little personal touch with some colorful flowers and leaves with my sharpies. Then I slipped it it right in the frame. Wallah! I now have a cute glass message board to give to my favorite teacher! Now is where these cool Expo Neon Window Markers come into play. All you have to do is fill in the information on the glass using the Expo markers. I love how easy they are to write with and erase and they come in cool colors!
Glass Message Board
These markers are so easy to use. I found a handy way to store them too. I put them in a clear business card holder that I also picked up at Office Max. The pens fit snug and perfect in it and handy for use. Cool, huh?
These wipe off so easy. I love it and there is no mess. It’s awesome!
There are so many options for what you can put into the glass frame. You can use designed paper background, make your own  drawing with Sharpies or print up your own design. Here is the free printable background that I did. I’m offering a blank one and one with the topics listed that might work well in the classroom.
Download prints here:
 There you have it. A cool glass message board. I am a fan and I can’t wait to do more projects with this idea!
this is such a fun idea – love it!
Thanks Laura! xoxo
Thanks for the printables. I’m gonna go get these things to make one!
Your Welcome Sara. Enjoy!!!!!
Ooooh! I love colorful fun markers! This is like a toy for me hahah.
I know, Right? They are awesome!! Oh don’t worry, I played with it a bit like a toy! LOL
I seriously need those NEON expo markers in my life. I just might have to make one of these for myself and my son’s new reading homework!
Yay Britney! That would be awesome! I love these markers too. 🙂
I like that it’s broken down into different areas.
Lisa at Mabey She Made It recently posted…5-Minute Fall Wreath
Thanks Lisa. I like that too!
How perfect! I love the quote and the goal for the week.
Tracey @Let’s Go Junking recently posted…Herb Basket Garden
Thanks Tracy! I like those also to use weekly.
I have no excuses to not be organized thanks to you! And those markers are so fun!
Albion recently posted…Chole with Naan
Awww Thanks Abbi! I wish I could be as organized as I try to help others be. 😉
I love this!! You seriously have the best printables! You are super talented
Kaysi @ Keeping It Simple recently posted…Apple Cinnamon Apple Sauce Bundt Cake #FlavorOfFall #CollectiveBias
Thank you Kaysi, but I must say, “NO! YOU are super talented”!! 😉
Love it, the tree reminded me so much of Shel Silverstein, great idea for a teacher!
Mrs Major Hoff (Sara) recently posted…Pumpkin Pie Gingersnap Mini Tarts
Thanks Sara! I never thought of that correlation but the tree did strike me as working well for this project. I love Shel S!
Oh Tracey I do too. And We are fun girls! Right?!!