Its almost here…
That means it is time for the
I love making the new Calendars each month and I’ll continue to share them in 2014 starting with my January 2014 Calendar. I never know how they will end up when I start creating them but I am usually pretty happy with the end result. I’ve received the nicest comments from my readers on these calendars and I know many of you look forward to them as I do. Thank you for that. Although I am not off to a good start with January, I will be posting the calendars earlier this year than the last week of the month giving you time to plan ahead but I will still be posting them one month at a a time. I took a little time off during the holidays but I am now back, and…
I’m looking forward to a new year!
How about you?!!
My husband and I were talking about 2014 the other day. You know, we always say, “this is going to be our year” when we look upon a new year. The last few years have been tougher on us than most {see personal post here} but we really believe that 2014 is going to be “our year”!! I hope my readers are going to join me for the ride! I don’t really believe in making resolutions, but I do believe in goals. I think I may reach some of those goals this year.
Hooray for 2014!
Are you ready to get planning?
Here it is!
January 2014 Calendar!

Start the year off right!
My inspiration for the january 2014 calendar quote was from a darling little quilted plaque that I received as a holiday gift.
{DO one thing EVERYDAY that makes you HAPPY}

Goal for 2014… Do one thing EVERYDAY that makes you happy!
It is soooo me!
Don’t you agree?!!
Many many things make me happy but some of the best are, spending time with my friends, family, bffhubby, and inkhappi (of course). That isn’t too hard to do. I intend to ENJOY these moments to the FULLEST!
How about you? Are you in?!!

Here is a free printable along with January 2014 Calendar
Hope your new year starts off great with this January 2014 calendar!
So glad it’s here. Thank you! I always look forward to your cute calendars.
Thank you Ruth! Happy New Year!
Thanks for all the cheerful calendars. Happy New Year
Thank You Cesc! I’m glad you find them cheerful 🙂 Happy ‘happi” New year!!
Thank you for the wonderfully cheerful calendar! It is my first visit here, by doing a search for free 2014 calendar and I am loving your site and will be coming back to visit! Thank you!
Thank you Lila! That is so good to hear. I am just into my second year blogging and I have some exciting things in store! I offer a free calendar each month amongst many free printables. If you follow me on Fb and get my e-mails you will get notice of updates regularly. :):)
So glad I found your calendar! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Cjb! Glad you liked it. 🙂