Wow, the June 2024 Calendar is here and we are almost halfway through the year. What are you doing in June? I’m going to be doing some creating! Wink ;). I’m sharing the calendar along with a word of the month to focus on. This month we will work to “create” something.
June 2024 Calendar and Word of the month
The word of the month is Create. The definition that strikes me with this word is this:
Create: cause (something) to happen as a result of one’s actions.
Create: bring (something) into existence.
This quote brought me to use Create as the word of the month is:
Create a life you love.
This is something that I’ve really been working on lately. If you want a happy life, you need to create it. That means we take what we have and make the best of it. We go through different seasons of life whether it is raising young children or navigating life alone in your sixties or wherever you are at, it can all come with challenges but we can rise above it and create something wonderful.
Life is not about what you are given it is about what you create
What will I be incorporating into my June 2024 calendar?
How am I using the word create? Creating a life I can love consists of these things:
- Learning to be more intentional
- Creating healthy boundaries
- Being true to my conscious
- Being more positive
- Practicing self care
- Creating something to share with others
- Creating space to be with those I love
- Create an environment I want to be in
- Creating opportunities
- Creating a home I love
Those are a few of the top things I’m doing to create a life I love!
I originally posted the wrong dates on the calendar but fixed it on 5/29.
I’m so sorry for the trouble!
Download the calendar and print here:
Download calendar here —->> JPG or PDF
Download print here —->> JPG
That’s it for now but stay tuned for another post I’m creating about our word of the month along with some quotes on the topic.
Thanks so much for the monthly calendars they are always so nice. The June calendar is starting on a Wednesday and it should be starting on a Saturday. I was just wondering if this would be updated anytime today???
I was about to comment the same thing! I’ve been using these for years and I hope she is able to fix it soon!
Sorry! It is fixed now!
I was coming to ask the same thing about the June calendar. It seems as though they may still have May’s numbers. I look forward to printing the corrected version. I think the color scheme is my favorite so far this year! Thanks for making the best monthly calendars! They’re my favorite.
Thank you so much! I’m sorry for the trouble. It’s fixed now. -Jillene
hey the june calender dates is off
the 1st is a saturday
LOVE the monthly printouts
Thank you!Sorry,it is fixed now!
Thank you so Much for these monthly calendars. Very helpful for me.
The June 2024 calendar on Inkhappi offers a cheerful and practical way to stay organized, paired with an inspiring “Word of the Month” to promote positivity and mindfulness throughout the month.
“Love the positivity and organization these calendars bring—June 2024 is looking great already!”