I am sharing some positive quotes and thoughts that can add to a happy life. I am all about positive and lets face it, sometimes its not easy to be positive. This Post from tiny buddah gives you 10 tips to overcome negative thoughts. They are awesome tips. Being positive is a choice and it starts with our thoughts. Which brings me right to our positive quotes today…
Positive Quotes #1
Keep Your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep Your words positive because your words become your behavior.
Keep Your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.
Keep Your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep Your values positive because your values become your destiny.
This next one encourages us to be honest, true to ourselves, remaining positive, and simply put… “taking the high road”! It’s not always easy to do this but will pay off in a “positive” way if done.
Positive Quotes #2
Live Without Pretending
Love Without Depending
Listen Without Defending
Speak Without Offending
How can you be more positive than this?
Positive Quotes #3
FOCUS on the GOOD.
This last quote I strongly believe. I have seen it work in my life. If you observed people you believe to be somewhat “lucky” or “successful”, more often than not you will find that they portray positive thinking in their life. It really works!
Positive Quotes #4
So you see, we started with our thoughts and ended with our thoughts. (:
I hope you enjoyed these positive quotes today!
There are plenty more to check out HERE.
I love love these! The world needs more of this! I’m glad you share this message. And now i will too. Thanks! 🙂
Thanks so much Jules. So true girl. This is a topic true to my heart and worth sharing!
this is an awesome website! Love all the positive quotes along with the colors!
I’m sorry I missed this comment sooner Viv! Thank you! I love to share positive messages and promote “happi” things! 🙂
Jillene recently posted…Motivational Food and Exercise Diary. Free printable!
Do you happen to have calendars beyond July 2017? I LOVE the quotes and colors but am wanting all of 2017
Hi Melisa! The way I do my calendar is monthly and I have a few reasons for that but mainly because I base them off of what is currently inspiring me and more people see them the way I do it. I post each calendar 30-35 days early so I will be posting August next week. I do however have a summer series of calendars that has through September you can find here: https://inkhappi.com/summer-bucket-list/. I will likely be posting Fall/Holiday Calendars near the end of September. Next year I will post an annual Calendar pack that will be simple and coordinated. Thanks for your interest! 🙂
thankyou so muchhh for sharing calendar and quotes, i like it so muchh.
I love sharing. Calendars and quotes are my thing!
Wow! Thank you for sharing and making such wonderfully happy and positive resources!
Print, print, print, print print!
Laminate, laminate, laminate, laminate, laminate!
Hole punch. set aside in my folder to handout to my classmates when the studies get tough.
Hahah Sharee! I love it! Being positive is such a great trait to instill in yourself. 🙂