MmmMmmmm Sweet Potato Fries!
Sharing a YuMmmmy and somewhat healthy recipe today.
of course,
its wayyyy simple and Sooo easy!!
I’m talking Sweet Potato Fries!
A couple of facts about sweet potatoes:
1. They are recommended by many health professionals as a healthy meal option.
2. They are used in many detox programs.
Make some baked sweet potato fries!!

So Easy! Baked sweet potato fries
I rarely follow recipes and I just wanted to make these very simple yet flavorful and this worked!
First I cut the potatoes…
{I preferred to keep the peels on. Only about 1/3 end up having peel on them.}

So Easy! Baked sweet potato fries
Next up is seasoning…
I used 3 simple ingredients and put them in a ziplock to coat and marinate well.
(This should work for 2-4 potatoes and measurements can be approximate)
1. olive oil 1/2 cup
2. soy sauce 1/4 cup
3. 1/2 to 1 tsp garlic pepper salt {I love an organic blend I get at sprouts}
Thats all I used! I think I may try some balsamic vinegar in my next batch.
Really though, choose seasonings you like and are comfortable using.

So Easy! Baked sweet potato fries

So Easy! Baked sweet potato fries
Lay them out on a foil lined cookie sheet, not overlapping each other.Next…
Try to avoid any excess liquid seasoning in pan also.
BAKE @ 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Set the timer. Don’t check on them, just pull them at 15 minutes and use a spatula to turn them all over. Back in the oven they go for another 15-20 minutes to desired texture.

So Easy! Baked sweet potato fries
All thats left to do is maybe throw a dash of salt/pepper

So Easy! Baked sweet potato fries
I love Sweet Potato fries and I’m so disappointed with how skinny the store bought ones are. I will try this recipe since I have a huge one just sitting here calling to me. Thank you for sharing your recipe & tips! Found you at Not Just A Housewife.
Thanks Beth. Hope you enjoy them!
Wow, this recipe is perfect timing as I have a huge sweet potato I need to use up! These sound delicious and I am sure my family will love them. Would love for you to link up at my party this week.
Great way to use that potato! Thanks for the invite. Will do! 🙂
Thanks so much for linking up, we gave these a try and they were yummy!