I had many requests to do LDS General Conference quotes and I’m so glad I did them! Honestly though, I think I did this more for myself than anyone else. The inspiration here is just amazing. Naturally, there are far too many good quotes than I could share so I chose those that resonated most with me or were generally great messages to be reminded of often.
Its always nice to be reminded of ways we can turn to our Savior and be better followers of his example.
For those of you who don’t know what LDS General Conference is, I will explain. Every first weekend of April and October each year the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS, Mormons) hold a conference. It consists of five 2 hour sessions held over Saturday and Sunday and 1 session the weekend before specifically for women. These meetings are held in a conference center in Salt Lake City and broadcast via satellite to over 7400 church buildings and various cable networks. It’s also broadcast in 102 countries throughout the world and translated in 92 languages. During the conference, Church leaders speak on a variety of spiritual and Christian topics including family, community and living a virtuous life. You need not be LDS to receive some inspiration from these messages.
Here is an example of some of the messages from the October LDS General Conference recently held:
Some of the messages that really stood out to me from this LDS Conference were:
God loves us all the same no matter what state we are in our lives and He is there for us if we open our hearts to Him.
Have faith, believe our Savior is there for us.
The atonement is real and available for everyone.
Family, and teaching our children rightousness need to be priorities in our lives.
Having courage, conviction and being an example for good will help us be a light unto the world.
We all have weaknesses but need to move forward and work towards becoming better.
And so much MORE!!
All the LDS General Conference sessions can be read or viewed in their entirety HERE.
Now, here are the files for download. They are available in 8×10 or card sizes four to a 8.5 x11 page. These are great to pass along to friends, neighbors, and for visiting or home teaching. Yay!
Click on the image below to get a printable version to download:
Awesome, Right? Ok now here are the four pages of cards starting with a page of quotes from President Thomas S Monson. (My personal favorite talk from this LDS General Conference)
That’s it folks. I don’t think I’ve ever shared a post with so many graphics. I hope you enjoyed this. 🙂
Did you see conference? What was your favorite talk?
These are amazing! I can’t wait to put them up around my house.
All the talks were perfect. It’s so hard to pick one favorite, but Jeffrey R. Holland’s was definitely the one I needed to hear the most.
“Most mothers know intuitively, instinctively that this is a sacred trust of the highest order. The weight of that realization, especially on young maternal shoulders, can be very daunting.”
When he said that, I knew his talk was for me. As a mother who questions her adequacy every single day, the following words meant a lot to me:
“To all mothers in every circumstance, including those who struggle—and all will—I say, “Be peaceful. Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you are. In fact, you are saviors on Mount Zion, and like the Master you follow, your love ‘never faileth.’ ” I can pay no higher tribute to anyone.”
I’m so glad I found you today when trying to find a quote to give our sisters that we VT. These are beautiful. Can’t wait to look around more. Thank you so much!
Awesome Samantha! I’m glad you visited and liked them too. Thanks. 🙂